Switching to a free version


This utility is designed to create textures used in computer games. Conventional photos or images you can easily convert to maps diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap, heightmap, glossmap , metallmap, ambient occlusion map.

Greetings ! I am an indie developer of this app and I live in Russia. From today, I'm starting a 2 week countdown to upgrade this app to the free version. The main reason for switching to this type of application distribution is that I simply can no longer receive funds in my bank account. The fact is that my state illegally accused me of a criminal offense by fabricating evidence against me in a crime that I did not commit. I was sentenced to 3.5 years of probation and was given a large fine. Having no official income and raising my son alone, I received arrested accounts and am unable to pay this fine. If this fine is not paid, my suspended sentence will be transferred to real imprisonment. All this happened to me because I spoke out on the Internet in support of the main opposition politician in our country, Alexei Navalny, and I openly criticized the policies of the current president of my country. Considering that in my country I do not have the money to pay corrupt judges in order to stay at large, I will soon have to go to prison, since all 100% evidence of my innocence is not accepted by the judges of my country due to rampant corruption and circular bail in the justice system and law enforcement agencies. This is the country I live in.... Separately, I want to say, DO NOT BUY the application to support me, I still won’t be able to get this money. Wait for the free version please.