A small update, important information, future discounts and price changes.


This utility is designed to create textures used in computer games. Conventional photos or images you can easily convert to maps diffusemap, normalmap, specularmap, illuminationmap, heightmap, glossmap , metallmap, ambient occlusion map.

Today I made a small update and would like to inform about future discounts and changes in utility costs. Starting on April 10, a weekly promotion will be launched with a 25% discount, after the completion of this promotion, the utility cost will be increased to $ 19.99. (So buy now or wait for promos in April). Now for the update. [h1] Attention, important information ! Not all versions of old projects are supported, so make a backup copy of your project before working with them, and if you have any problems with a project, write to me about this on the subforum of the community in SUPPORT.[/h1] In all filters that used the ability to select the effect on the R or G or B or RGB channels, now there is the option of multi-selection and the ability to select the alpha channel is added. Example: If in the previous version of the utility you could select only R or G or B or RGB channels for the filter effect, then in the updated version you can choose any combination of channels> ARGB. Now the filters look like this: [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31321315/88473d1a9fcbeb2624571fefa37e0d091d72114d.png[/img] Next, a button is added that adds new layers to all DNSIHGMАO channels immediately at a time. [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31321315/8c80cfb2cc12669dc5c8cd819575151caa8e7021.png[/img] Added filter "EXTRACT H / S / V FROM RGB". [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31321315/5570d27556399c12c1b667d7cf184e197e65ec91.png[/img] This filter converts the color space from RGB to HSV and inserts one of the HSV components into R and G and B. Example 1: Converts an RGB image to HSV extracts the HUE component and inserts a value into R, G, B. Example 2: Converts an RGB image to HSV extracts the SATURATION component and inserts a value into R, G, B. Example 3: Converts an RGB image to HSV extracts a VALUE component and inserts a value into R, G, B. Updated HELPER. Should apologize, UNDO and REDO options for PAINTING are not implemented (need a couple more days). Well, that's all for now. Feedback is appreciated!