Untangle a gripping conspiracy in this noir-influenced mystery, laced with classic RPG elements. Navigate seedy streets to collect clues, upgrade skills and customize weapons. Brawl in turn-based combat with timed hits & combos, to reveal the dark truth that plagues the city’s core and your sanity.
Annnnnnnd here's another hefty update! BOOM!!!!
[u][b]We Fixed:::[/b][/u]
- More progress has been made with versioning to make sure data is safe when patching.
- Paper / rolling can object's 3d audio immune to sound settings- Mute All or Sound Effects volume.
- BGM volume can decrease if going in and out of interiors
- BGM volume can increase while toggling investigation mode on and off repeatedly in certain areas.
- Coffee Break skill timed hit not working if healing another ally in battle.
Other stuff non-list related that we fixed....
- white boxes for button graphics in battle while using generic or unrecognized control schemes
- All good skill not healing for the 80% amount as told in the description
- enemies dying because of a status effect freezing battles
- Not being able to use the boat at the Docks after the Armory events
- bad room transition in NW sewers
- various layering glitches
- typos
[b][u]Still to fix....[/u][/b]
- Sometimes equipped gear doesn't carry over to New Game +
- There is a ladder in the Towers scene where you can hit a fall collider and ladder climb collider which can get characters stuck in the climbing position. This doesn't break the game because you can just move up to trigger the climbing collider again to fix the issue.
- Some ladder's climbing speeds can be slower than others.
- Hugging walls severely slows down character speed.
- When you have the map toggled on then teleport to another scene, the map goes away, But if you talk to someone (any intractable) the map comes back.
- Lab 4's switches have trigger events that return but if the doors are already open the triggers do nothing.
- Vanessa starts at level 1 ---she should start at level 30
- combo between shade deuce and the detective makes them stay in the combo's location after it has ended
- When Detective dies against Tornado, and then then Woof revives him, he auto re-equips his weapon after fighting barehanded to begin with.
As always if you have a bug you want to talk directly to the devs about please join our [url=https://discord.gg/FauXrj8x76]discord server[/url] and tell us about them. It's fun, it's interesting and it's helpful to us having you the players contribute to the QA process!