Untangle a gripping conspiracy in this noir-influenced mystery, laced with classic RPG elements. Navigate seedy streets to collect clues, upgrade skills and customize weapons. Brawl in turn-based combat with timed hits & combos, to reveal the dark truth that plagues the city’s core and your sanity.
Hey everyone!
As it's kinda slow going on the patches because we are a small team, we figure we would put out a known bug list out here so you players know what we are fixing and what to look out for. Later on this week when we put out another patch we will use this list to show you what we've fixed.
- Save data from 1.5 and before will likely be bugged. But from 1.5.1 on there shouldn't be any issues with using data from this version on. You may run into events that repeat or NPCs reappear on rare occasions but nothing from stopping your progress like in earlier versions. We are still testing and making improvements to this.
- Game FPS lags sometimes leading to crashes have been reported. This can likely happen due to not enough RAM for computers or lowered FPS settings on the Steam Deck. It's also because of how path-finding is calculating as you're moving through the game.
- Enemies chasing you / pushing you into corners can cause soft-locks in rare instances.
- In the Personal Demons case in Chs6-7 after leaving the Towers if you fight Lady Tempt at one of the places she's causing trouble. Then the battle ends and then you go to trigger the same fight again she won't show up causing a soft-lock in battle because she doesn't reappear in the scene.
- In the Arena (run by the famous Shovel Knight) there can be matches where when you defeat a group of enemies they won't de-spawn from the scene as you go to the next match. This has been known to cause soft-locks in or after battles.
- Carrying 99 of an item and being able to break the 99 cap by getting a treasure in the game you already have 99 of. This also causes weirdness in shops when trying to sell items over the cap.
- Adding mods to weapons can sometimes give an incorrect stat result.
- Mod icon can disappear from V-Money's knives when adding it to her weapon from the Upgrade menu in shops.
- Sometimes equipped gear doesn't carry over to New Game +
- In CRDTech mini-game very rarely when two abilities trigger it can soft lock the game.
- PS5 controller icons show up as a generic controller icon.
- There is a ladder in the Towers scene where you can hit a fall collider and ladder climb collider which can get characters stuck in the climbing position. This doesn't break the game because you can just move up to trigger the climbing collider again to fix the issue.
- Some ladder's climbing speeds can be slower than others.
- Hugging walls severely slows down character speed.
- Paper / rolling can object's 3d audio immune to sound settings- Mute All or Sound Effects volume.
- BGM volume can decrease if going in and out of interiors
- BGM volume can increase while toggling investigation mode on and off repeatedly in certain areas.
- When you have the map toggled on then teleport to another scene, the map goes away, But if you talk to someone (any intractable) the map comes back.
- Coffee Break skill timed hit not working if healing another ally in battle.
- When Detective dies against Tornado, and then then Woof revives him, he auto re-equips his weapon after fighting barehanded to begin with.
- Door marker in investigation mode can be seen in other rooms from the one you are currently in.
As always if you have a bug you want to talk directly to the devs about please join our [url=https://discord.gg/9PAPGxNT42]discord server[/url] and tell us about them. It's fun, it's interesting and it's helpful to us having you the players contribute to the QA process!