Untangle a gripping conspiracy in this noir-influenced mystery, laced with classic RPG elements. Navigate seedy streets to collect clues, upgrade skills and customize weapons. Brawl in turn-based combat with timed hits & combos, to reveal the dark truth that plagues the city’s core and your sanity.
Fixed up some small issues here. Check it out.
- [b]Fix to pathfinding[/b] for NPCs that may get stuck walking in place on an obstacle's colliders.
- [b]Preventing toggling of fullscreen / windowed mode[/b] in options menu for Steam deck which can cause UI to get out of alignment.
- [b]Fix to bad room transition[/b] in Eastern area of the Sewers scene.
- [b]Fix to the possibility of Shade getting stuck[/b] on ladder in events in Towers scene. This could cause soft-locking for some players.
- [b]Fix to nightmare scene events[/b] that was causing an instance of effects going away temporally while transitioning into the last event in the sequence.
- Fix to various layering glitches.
As always, we welcome all feedback and bug reports to us directly in [url=https://discord.com/invite/RUtWc3RFJs?utm_source=Discord]our Discord[/url]. We have a bugs-and-feedback channel where you can communicate your feedback about the game and detail out any issues or bugs you're encountering so we can fix them for you and put out a patch asap! Thanks for playing! Hope you enjoy!