Update R1!

Lusitania: The Experience

Welcome aboard the RMS Lusitania, a luxurious ocean liner sunk by a German U-boat during World War 1. Immerse yourself in this detailed unique experience of how this great liner met its final moments on the 7th May 1915.

Hello Everyone, We have just uploaded our release 1 update! The changes are below. [h1]Additions/changes [/h1] [list] [*]Added a popup which tells you when the torpedo is going to hit so its easier to see when it is coming to the ship [*]Reduced the background sounds in the first person experience so its easier to hear the torpedo [*]Added a new explosion sound effect which occurs a little bit after the torpedo has hit (due to the boiler rooms etc) [*]We added extra information on the main menu [*]We made the pause menu easier to navigate in the first person experience If you are enjoying the Lusitania, please leave a review! It is greatly appreciated. [h1]Interactive Gaming Studios [/h1] [/list]