UPDATE NOW LIVE | Improved Golfer AI, Vending Machines

Resort Boss: Golf

Can you turn your cosy, one-hole course into a bustling, world-famous resort? Craft unique courses and build top-class facilities to keep golf’s wealthiest players coming back. Oversee the running of your enterprise, host tournaments and head out onto the course to ensure it’s up-to-par.

Hello all, I'm pleased to announce that our first post-launch update is now live! This update focuses on improving golfer AI, making your resort guests much smarter! We have also added vending machines, a new way to make money, with guests buying food and drink. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32835608/259827aeb27c11e02540f3a8a1964fd30712d698.png[/img] [h1]2nd August Full Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*] Vending machines [*] Modified AI spawning for playing golf to be based on groups. For the holes/courses available, the game will attempt to spawn a group of 1 to 5 golfers, of variable skill, to play. [*] In the case of tournaments, the players taking place are separated by groups and called as necessary. [*] Golfers will now wait for their group partners to finish their stroke before moving on. [*] Problem of endless golfers waiting at a hole has been eliminated. [*] Fixed issue of the golfer hitting the ball while it was in movement. [*] Increased the tolerance of the hole hit to allow for more chip ins and long distance hits. [*] Fixed issue with the scenario button appearing when it shouldn't. [*] Golfers will now have a higher chance of renting a cart when playing on the course. [*] Altered the height floor limit for respawning an AI. [*] Edit the queue on the hole panel to gather information from the groups. [*] Reduced sound of the animals. [*] Edited the spawning for the courses to block spawning on courses that have been set for a tournament. [*] Golfers are spawning and walking while game is paused TODO. [*] Added icons to identify the tournament golfers when they enter the course. [*] Improved golf stroke calculation for the AI. [*] Added speech bubbles for when the AI is out on the course, to simulate interaction between them. [*] AI should now buy food/drink/rest on benches when the triggers are hit. [*] Putting green will be displayed as putting green properly [*] Fixed an issue where starting a new scenario while playing the game would result in the scenario staff not spawning [*] Reworked the save logic to avoid the eternal loop issue [/list] Take a look at the roadmap below to remind yourself of what's coming next! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32835608/821a5002dc050b04f4440652201b3df612988672.png[/img] Thanks, The Resort Boss: Golf Team