10th April - Bug Fixes and Alterations

Resort Boss: Golf

Can you turn your cosy, one-hole course into a bustling, world-famous resort? Craft unique courses and build top-class facilities to keep golf’s wealthiest players coming back. Oversee the running of your enterprise, host tournaments and head out onto the course to ensure it’s up-to-par.

Hello golfers, We've released a new patch today, which fixes a bunch of issues ahead of our big April update coming later in the month. This upcoming update will feature tournaments, golf carts, wildlife and enhanced golf gameplay. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32835608/5e47bebe70355c215fc7aacd3f3262d7327f908c.png[/img] [h1]10th April - Alterations and Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Default building walls randomised. [*] Tee and hole will no longer disappear upon creating or editing a hole. [*] Fixed height tools getting stuck on hole builder. [*] Added a calendar panel to help players visualize upcoming visits and whatnot. [*] Fixed issue that led to courses being rated as hated most of the time. [*] Fixed the spawning of course-related thoughts. [*] Increased penalty for aiming at water to force the golfers to stop aiming at the water. [*] Fixed issue where the year would be displayed as YYYY as opposed to the actual year. [*] Panel now displays the correct information for the AI's state, as opposed to the localization string. [*] AI now takes better account of the wind when striking the ball. [*] Naturally occurring trees are now dependent on tileset. [*] Trees now also spawn inside the resort grounds. [*] Balanced the starting terrain tile types to match the tileset. (More sand on the desert; more snow on the winter etc) [*] Improved the hill generation algorithm. [*] Default starting resort will now also vary between tilesets and terrain types. [*] Modified the wind calculations to make it less likely it'll raise too high and stay high. [*] Loading a game after starting a new game will now appear with the correct tileset. [*] Heat map is now executed properly when run from the hole overview panel. [*] The font size of the tools explanation has been increased to improve legibility. [*] The rating up pop up no longer blocks the main menu. [*] Fixed an issue where golfers were stuck in a leaving the course state. [*] Fixed instances where the summary panel of the financial panel didn't start opened when opening the panel. [*] Strings for building names are now properly separated in special cases. [*] Corrected the strings with missing brackets. [*] Fixed issue with employees panel closing immediately after opening. [*] Member/Application list on the Resort Info Panel can now be properly scrolled. [*] Entering text for the course name no longer moves the camera. [*] Improved the looks of the water bodies. [*] Golfers no longer wait for the next round at the hole they were in. [*] Fixed issue where data wouldn't be cleared properly when starting a new game while doing the tutorial. [*] Roof selection is now saved for future buildings when opening the panel again. [*] Restarting the tutorial in the middle of the tutorial properly clears the resort. [*] Fixed issue where players weren't able to complete the first objective in the tutorial after completing the tutorial. [*] Fixed issue where players couldn't add a new building in certain cases. [*] Character model is now properly reset when starting a new game. [*] Closing the holes window will now also close the opened hole info panel. [*] Salary Budget amount now increases with resort rating. [*] Hole info panel now has the correct name after you delete a hole. [*] Golfers no longer freeze on certain instances when you remove a hole. [*] Buildings in the building list are now listed with their subtype where applicable. [*] Building name no longer overflows the text box if it's too long. [*] Removing all tiles of a building now properly updates the details/money of the building. [*] Placing a tile in front of a tile with a decoration now properly removes that decoration, and disables the approval if there's no other doors available. [*] Shareholders no longer request features that the user hasn't unlocked yet. [*] Fixed spacing issues in certain texts. [*] Grid lines no longer projected on trees and similar objects. [*] Removing a tile with a door now properly blocks the construction if there are no other doors available. [*] Unfinished Member's Lounge no longer increase the membership cap. [*] Unfinished buildings no longer count for resort rating. [*] Updated the logo to the current version. [*] Removed placeholder text from golfer panel. [*] Added option to remove courses in the course builder. [*] Fixed issue where golfers didn't approach the ball if it spawned near the edge of water. [*] Fixed issue with the hole tutorial completing before it should. [*] Fixed graphical issues with the new tilesets. [/list] Thanks, The Resort Boss: Golf Team