Driving game with Unlimited possibilities. Spiritual successor to classic top-down racing games, but in 3D with modern online features, countless game modes and extensive moddability. For casual fun, serious competition, or to unleash your creativity with the editors.
[*] Immediate restart and toggling checkpoints visible can now be done with controllers, too (unassigned by default)
[*] Controller sending the same control constantly no longer hijacks the control from an active controller (fixes some rare issues)
[*] Controller setup: Warnings are now shown if there are duplicate in-game controls
[*] Controller setup: It is now possible to unassign controls and set dead zones
[*] Duplicate in-game key controls also result in warnings now, there is also an button to see more details about them
[*] Lap HUD not hidden if one lap in a circuit, but the total is now hidden if having max laps (500) with limited time
[*] Level Editor: Checkpoints CSV export now includes track name, maker and level Y coordinates for the points
[*] Miscellaneous other minor fixes and improvements