Update Notes for v1.00.2 (minor client-only update)

Turbo Sliders Unlimited

Driving game with Unlimited possibilities. Spiritual successor to classic top-down racing games, but in 3D with modern online features, countless game modes and extensive moddability. For casual fun, serious competition, or to unleash your creativity with the editors.

[*] Added news and featured events to the main menu — you can suggest events to be advertized on Discord [*] Host info can now include a UTC time that is converted to the local time when seen in the server list [*] UTC(Daily 22:30) specifies a daily time for a 1-hour event, UTC(Daily 19:00 120) a two-hour daily event [*] Likewise, UTC(Weekly Thu 22:30) specifies a weekly event time and UTC(2024-12-28 22:30) a single event time [*] Miscellaneous other minor fixes and improvements