[Update] Best Kept Memory and the secrets behind the MemoryCube_Recordings

The Past Within

The Past Within is the new co-op experience from Rusty Lake! Play together with someone you deem trustworthy: one in The Past, the other in The Future. Observe and communicate what you see around you. Solve the puzzles and uncover Albert Vanderboom’s plan.

[previewyoutube=F-Wf-s0hJck;full][/previewyoutube] Is Best Kept Memory behind the MemoryCube_Recordings? We have reasons to believe that the Memory Cube Recordings were linked to an old clinic from the early 2000s that specialised in memory manipulation procedures. This old commercial might just be the key piece of evidence to support this claim. We tried to call Best Kept Memory (+31854015026) and reached out to them through their website: BestKeptMemory.com, but so far we received no response. 🌐 https://bestkeptmemory.com ☎️ (+31) 854015026 Help us investigate on our [url=https://discord.gg/rustylake]Discord channel[/url]! [b][Update][/b] [previewyoutube=2cZGtM2iLp8;full][/previewyoutube] Archived news broadcast: Memory manipulation clinic "Best Kept Memory" comes under fire for gross misconduct and breach of privacy. Thousands of memories stored at their facility might not be as safe as we were led to believe! Marketing Director Chad shared his response: security measures have taken place and BestKeptMemory.com and its backend are now secure for all current and future clients.