Update 6.0.5

Genome Guardian

COMBINE WEAPONS in the microscopic roguelite turret shooter with macroscopic depth. Survive 6 modes using an astounding array of turrets, perks, mutations and power-ups on this psychedelic journey to the heart of the abyss. Shmup Mode turns it into a vertical shoot 'em up!

[h3][b]⚖ BALANCE[/b][/h3][list] [*]Laser weapons will have even [i]more[/i] excess Range:[list][*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːcdnaːːcdnaː Laser:[/b] Range 125% → 150%. [*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːcdnaːːcdnaːːcdnaː Laser Repeater:[/b] Range 125% → 150%. [*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːcdnaːːcdnaːːcdnaː Ion Laser:[/b] Range 175% → 250%. 🔭 [*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːcdnaːːcdnaːːgdnaː Laser Shotgun:[/b] Range 125% → 137.5%. [*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːcdnaːːcdnaːːtdnaː Tracking Laser:[/b] Range 125% → 150%.[/list] [*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːgdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Stardust Mortar:[/b] To separate it more from ːcdnaːːgdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Splitter Spitter, Firerate 1.125/s → 1.5/s (same DPS as before). [/list] [h3][b]🔄 CHANGES[/b][/h3][list] [*]The doubletime reminder popup will now dissappear if you activate doubletime. [*]The sprites for lasers with Bounce now look a bit less stretched length-wise. [/list] [h3][b]🔨 FIXES[/b][/h3][list] [*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːgdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Stardust Mortar:[/b] DPS in ARSENAL / on hover is now more reflective of the weapon's performance. [*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːgdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Splitter Spitter:[/b] DPS in ARSENAL / on hover is now more reflective of the weapon's performance. [*]Some tips were showing up as "DEVS" instead of "TIPS" on the SETUP menu. [*]Knockback can no longer display as being negative. [/list]