Update 6.0.1

Genome Guardian

COMBINE WEAPONS in the microscopic roguelite turret shooter with macroscopic depth. Survive 6 modes using an astounding array of turrets, perks, mutations and power-ups on this psychedelic journey to the heart of the abyss. Shmup Mode turns it into a vertical shoot 'em up!

[b]EDIT:[/b] This update initially broke ːadnaːːadnaːːcdnaːːtdnaː Burst Anti-Air Missile and ːgdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaː Acid Rain - fixed now! (will still say version 6.0.1) [h3][b]⚖ BALANCE[/b][/h3][list] [*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːgdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaː Bubble Blaster:[/b] I don't like that a weapon with ːadnaː DNA has a 0.75/s base Firerate - it just ain't right. Thus, Firerate 0.75/s → 1.25/s & Damage 122/s → 73/s (DPS is unchanged). [*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaː Bubble Burster:[/b] -25% base Homing strength. [/list] [h3][b]🔄 CHANGES[/b][/h3][list] [*]Various changes to the Intro experience that will help new players understand mechanics and how to make an effective build more easily. [*]The Intro shop tip telling you to press the lock buttons won't be able to appear until you've actually unlocked that feature. [*]The popup explaining the Doubletime feature won't show while in the shop. [*]Text will warn you not to disable Beginner Popups in SETTINGS if you're a new player. [*]I've changed the unlock conditions for some things (in most cases by making them easier to unlock). [*]The copyrighted music notice you see upon first starting the game now mentions that I wasn't the one that added those copyrights (I would never do that to content creators [i]on purpose[/i]). [*]Damage numbers will no longer appear when deleting Healthless offspring. [/list] [h3][b]🔨 FIXES[/b][/h3][list] [*][b](mode) Brood:[/b] I said the "Abyssian Hunters join the Fray" mutation wouldn't appear in this mode anymore but never [i]actually[/i] made the change until now, oops. [*][b](turret) Ramjet:[/b] Can no longer get stuck in Mucus Membrane. [*][b](turret) Helios, Gauss:[/b] Weapons like ːcdnaːːcdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Rail Splitshot that have submunitions with submunitions weren't inheriting the bonus Damage & Knockback that scales with Charge. [*][b](perk) Generator:[/b] It's supposed to unlock after [i]unlocking[/i] all game modes, but was only unlocking after you had cleared each mode at Surface Depth. [*][b](perk) Aloe:[/b] Now properly scales the detonation radius on Proximity weapons (aka the anti-air ones). [*][b](weapon) ːcdnaːːcdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Rail Splitshot:[/b] Will now more consistently produce 3 explosions per split submunition. [*]The rate that weapons which fire submunitions as they travel / while they're alive (ex. ːcdnaːːcdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaː Rail Splitshot) fire those submunitions now properly scales with dynamic Speed changes (ex. the Leaf perk or Gauss turret charged shots). [*]Invisible oversized enemies will no longer show their purple outline while invisible. [/list]