COMBINE WEAPONS in the microscopic roguelite turret shooter with macroscopic depth. Survive 6 modes using an astounding array of turrets, perks, mutations and power-ups on this psychedelic journey to the heart of the abyss. Shmup Mode turns it into a vertical shoot 'em up!
[h3][b]🔄 CHANGES[/b][/h3][list]
[*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːtdnaː Auto Cannon:[/b] Renamed to "Autocannon".
[*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːadnaːːadnaː Light Machinegun:[/b] Renamed to "Light Machine Gun".
[*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːadnaːːadnaːːcdnaː Burst Machinegun:[/b] Renamed to "Burst Machine Gun".
[*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːadnaːːadnaːːtdnaː Micromissile Machinegun:[/b] Renamed to "Micromissile Machine Gun".
[*]These weapons are being renamed because they don't (and shouldn't) inflict Burn:[list][*][b](weapon) ːgdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaː Molotov:[/b] Renamed to "Acid Launcher".
[*][b](weapon) ːgdnaːːgdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaː Moloflak:[/b] Renamed to "Acid Rain".
[*][b](weapon) ːgdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaːːtdnaː Megatov:[/b] Renamed to "Antacid Launcher".[/list][/list]
[h3][b]🔨 FIXES[/b][/h3][list]
[*]The main menu only shows 3 buttons in the center if you haven't done a run yet; If you closed the game and re-opened it before doing a run, the buttons would show scrunched together vertically instead of with space between them.
[*]There were some cases where that delay that doesn't let you place an incompatible weapon mod for a few seconds would end up lasting indefinitely (or not let you place the weapon mod on a weapon it [i]is[/i] compatible with until you've de-selected and re-selected the item).
[*][b](turret) Viper:[/b] If Beginner Tips is on, it would look like Viper's second weapon slot on its second mount from the top comes pre-purchased in the TURRETS menu.
[*][b](perk) Poison:[/b] Fixed description, wasn't accurate.
[*][b](perk) Pot:[/b] The Size Variation it applied would affect projectiles and their submunitions (which includes explosions) independently - this was a problem, since it could result in things like anti-air weapons having a proximity detonation radius [i]larger[/i] than the explosion it produces, which would often cause that explosion to not hit anything.
[*]Burst Fire would occasionally cause muzzle flashes to appear white.
[*][b](weapon) ːadnaːːcdnaːːgdnaː Bouncey Ball:[/b] Uhhh… Yeaaah… That's supposed to be "Bouncy", not "Bouncey"…
[*][b](turret) Dragoon:[/b] Explosive projectiles that didn't crit would deal damage twice.