Update #45: Achievements unlocked + Happy holidays to everyone

Dimension Drive

This intense space shoot ’em up challenges you to fight across two battlefields on one splitscreen. Instantly switch between them to dodge waves of bullets, reach secret areas, or surprise your enemies. Play solo or turn it up to 11 with a local co-op partner.

Dear all, First of all we want to wish you all a happy holidays. Here at 2Awesome Studio we are already in "holiday mode" [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/9w475hDWEPVlu/giphy.gif[/img] But before leaving to visit our families, eat and drink a lot, sing Christmas songs and open our presents (we have been really good this year :) ) We wanted to publish one more update. So... here it goes: [list] [*] We have enabled achievements. You might notice that the first time you open Dimension Drive, some achievements will be unlocked (depending on your progress). [*] Fixed bug of B button on Linux [*] Fixed bug on not saving properly the Datacubes after finishing a level [*] Fixed localization errors [/list] Enjoy and happy 2018 to everyone !!!!