Update #42: The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Dimension Drive

This intense space shoot ’em up challenges you to fight across two battlefields on one splitscreen. Instantly switch between them to dodge waves of bullets, reach secret areas, or surprise your enemies. Play solo or turn it up to 11 with a local co-op partner.

Hello everyone ! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/z5cNqbFbMTDA4/giphy.gif[/img] We are back from summer with good news: [h1] This is the last update in the public branch before launch. We are launching next month! [/h1] This update contains all the story for worlds 1 and 2 finalized. We've changed also the movement control. If you play with a joystick now it uses analog movement so you can have a bit more precision. It's subtle but it's there. Finally, this is the most important part, we have unlocked the Mirror Dimension levels. Each level now has the regular version and the mirror variant. Give them a go and let us know what you think. Obviously, there's a new and final biweekly to play. We did 12 biweekly levels during Early Access! That's the same amount of levels the campaign has to give you an idea of how much work went into it. Hope you enjoyed them. Here's version full changelog: [list] [*] Full story unlocked for worlds 1 and 2. [*] Analog movement. [*] Mirror dimension levels. [*] Obviously, a new biweekly multiverse level. [/list] As usual remember that we will be watching all our official channels for your feedback. If you find any nasty bug that you want ironed out for release let us know ;) [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/394430/discussions]Steam Forums[/url] [url=trello.com/b/1OpgMDJ3/dimension-drive-early-access-development-roadmap]Dimension Drive Early Access development roadmap[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/JYB5ZBs]Discord Server[/url] Have fun!