Update #41: We changed a lot of things!

Dimension Drive

This intense space shoot ’em up challenges you to fight across two battlefields on one splitscreen. Instantly switch between them to dodge waves of bullets, reach secret areas, or surprise your enemies. Play solo or turn it up to 11 with a local co-op partner.

Hello everyone ! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l1J3KNFmhcLzuDfrO/giphy.gif[/img] That's right, we have a new boss at the end of world 2. Hope you enjoy (killing) it! We have also improved all the visuals to its final state before release. You really should play the whole game again to see the improvement (yes, we are proud :P ). There were a ton of changes (more than we can count) so we have listed only the main ones on the changelog below. As we said in the last update we're going to do a small break for summer. We'll be back to our usual update cycle in September. Here's version full changelog: [list] [*] New flow in levels. [*] Delete save slots. [*] New boss world 2 [*] Visual upgrade in world 1 all levels. [*] Visual upgrade in world 2 all levels. [*] Power ups turn into crystals when already powerd up. [*] Obviously, a new biweekly multiverse level. [/list] As usual remember that we will be watching all our official channels for your feedback. [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/394430/discussions]Steam Forums[/url] [url=trello.com/b/1OpgMDJ3/dimension-drive-early-access-development-roadmap]Dimension Drive Early Access development roadmap[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/JYB5ZBs]Discord Server[/url] Have fun!