Update #39: World 2 (almost) finished and new enemies!

Dimension Drive

This intense space shoot ’em up challenges you to fight across two battlefields on one splitscreen. Instantly switch between them to dodge waves of bullets, reach secret areas, or surprise your enemies. Play solo or turn it up to 11 with a local co-op partner.

Hello everyone ! [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l0IyeXn5HFsvmtFlK/giphy.gif[/img] It's update time! New bi-weekly challenge and some other things thrown into the mix. This one will be quick, I promise. Apparently nobody likes to read long walls of text describing in detail every little thing we have changed or modified in every part of the levels. Like we don't need to explain that we have added cool intros to the bosses in several levels. Also writing about a new boss fight in level 2-1 is probably boring so ... just go play it. It's good (crossing fingers here)! Here's version full changelog (in case you really like to read this stuff): [list] [*] Improved gameplay of world 2 levels. [*] New MK3 laser turrets. [*] New MK3 Tracker enemies. [*] New MK3 Vyper boss fight. [*] New boss intro for levels 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 [*] Obviously, a new biweekly multiverse level. [/list] As usual remember that we will be watching all our official channels for your feedback. [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/394430/discussions]Steam Forums[/url] [url=trello.com/b/1OpgMDJ3/dimension-drive-early-access-development-roadmap]Dimension Drive Early Access development roadmap[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/JYB5ZBs]Discord Server[/url] Have fun! PS: We were 1 day late, the Steam Summer Sale got in the way...