Update 31/08/2019

Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape

In Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape, a group of humans try to outrun a player-controlled swarm of infected. Everyone spawns in a train station until one is randomly infected and needs to turn fleeing survivors into zombies. Survivors try to escape by train.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34325804/6afbdbdf60bbcb04488d3d0f042286fec41a6dcc.png[/img] Hey everyone! Here's the full list of changes in the latest update: [list] [*] Fixed the number of conductors. A limit is set for 2 conductors at the same time [*] Fixed incorrect names of mimics [*] Removed damage from mimic’s mines through walls. The solution is under development, some cases of damage through objects are still possible. [*] Added damage from barrels thrown by zombies (⅓ of a heart) [*] Fixed the high chance of armor drop in houses [/list]