Update 24/08/2019

Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape

In Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape, a group of humans try to outrun a player-controlled swarm of infected. Everyone spawns in a train station until one is randomly infected and needs to turn fleeing survivors into zombies. Survivors try to escape by train.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34325804/abb982f9992e019e740d22f571ee5192ed467d9b.jpg[/img] Hey everyone! Here's the full list of changes in the latest update: v.. 19/08/23 [list] [*] New human model. [i][b]Developer Comment:[/b] New human model is more in line with the lore and is better optimized.[/i] [*] Added new lighting for zombies [*] Decreased Mimic’s health [*] Removed first tier of shotguns [*] Fixed incorrect circle effect for zombies [*] Fixed display time of endscreen [*] Minor location changes. [/list]