Jacket & Sneakers of Vanity - Update 14/09/2019

Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape

In Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape, a group of humans try to outrun a player-controlled swarm of infected. Everyone spawns in a train station until one is randomly infected and needs to turn fleeing survivors into zombies. Survivors try to escape by train.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34325804/5d0ec4e1e94392b62e946ac7233d34236e5260f3.png[/img] Hey everyone! Here's the full list of changes in the latest update: v.. 19/09/14 [list] [*] Added Vanity set: Jacket of Vanity and Sneakers of Vanity [*] [Gameplay] Added Vanity set ability: Triple Jump [*] [Gameplay] Added 1 second cooldown for Conductor’s melee [*] [Gameplay] Fixed barrel flight synchronization [*] [Gameplay] Updated Mimics [list] [*] Mimic’s bomb planting speed on the train decreased by 50% [*] Mimic’s bomb planting speed not on the train increased by 50% [*] Added a 2 second delay before the bomb explosion [*] Added the bomb detonation sound effect [*] Mimic’s model changes to a zombie when planting a bomb [/list] [*] [UI] Main Menu: [list] [*] Fixed bugs related to head customization [*] Fixed constantly popping up tutorial window [*] Actualized player levels on the stats page [*] More keys trigger splash screen skip now [*] [UI] Fixed XP bar animation on the results screen [/list] [*] [UI] In a match: [list] [*] Fixed armor indicator going over the HP indicator [*] Fixed the catcher selection sound [*] Fixed the broken third weapon slot [/list] [*] [Map] Reworked underground locations between stations B and C [*] [Map] Removed flying spheres [/list]