Update 09/08/2019

Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape

In Pandemic Express - Zombie Escape, a group of humans try to outrun a player-controlled swarm of infected. Everyone spawns in a train station until one is randomly infected and needs to turn fleeing survivors into zombies. Survivors try to escape by train.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34325804/abb982f9992e019e740d22f571ee5192ed467d9b.jpg[/img] Hey everyone! Here's the full list of changes in the latest update: v.. 19/08/09 [*] Added HP bars over Сonductors [*]Mimic names are now taken from the list of human players’ names in the match [i][b]Developer Comment[/b]: Previously we used a name generator, but it wasn't as inventive as a real person. Experienced players would quickly discover Mimics, so we decided to use real nicknames from matches. In the future, we plan to mimic not only nicknames, but also costumes, crowns, etc.[/i] [*]New points system [i][b]Developer Comment[/b]: The system is now in test mode and will be updated for balancing in the coming days. The main task is to equalize the number of points received per match for zombies and for humans.[/i] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34325804/87b02b1c9c53a1ed9311326b2603528fa48bf8eb.jpg[/img] [*]New class UI for choosing zombies [i][b]Developer Comment[/b]: This update affected the ergonomics of the interface. The interface has become more compact and easier to use. Minor bugs are still present, such as speed drops when changing a class. We will fix them in future updates.[/i] [*]Added new airdrop spots [*]Changed the distance of rendering enemy tags and HP bars from 10 to 20 meters. [*]Added a perk for the Rebellion set – one heart of armor at the start of a match. [i][b]Developer Comment[/b]: Every set will come with its unique perk, including the base one from this update. We thought that the additional armor heart will help the new players. In the future different sets with different perks will help emphasize the individual playstyle of a player. There is a known bug where the perk is not working with the bag of doubts in the inventory. It will be fixed soon.[/i] [*]Fixed some instances of server crashes Have fun!