Super Cane Magic ZERO - Legend of the Cane Cane

Crash-land in the psychedelic world of Super Cane Magic ZERO, a local co-op Action RPG for 1 to 4 players! Immerse yourself in the mind-bending Story Mode or pummel your friends in 8 local Battle Arenas. Smash! Loot! Eat Rocks! Fight a really big fridge!

We just released a new hotfix for [b]update 29[/b]. This patch addresses some issues with achievements and further enhances the changes to our game balance introduced with update 29.0 This also fixes some MAC versions not running with the latest minor patch. This is the list of things we changed: [h2]Achievements:[/h2] You can now refresh the logic behind achievements by talking with [b]Robo-Lalla[/b] (the robot dog) in the Poptarts Museum. This should fix any achievement that remained bugged during your run without the need of starting a new campaign to get them again. Some achievements related to defeating bosses might still require that you defeat that boss again using this last update. Most bosses respawn and can be defeated any time during your campaing. Bosses in random generared dungeons do not grant achievements, with the expection of the Potato King. The Achievement[b] From The Grave[/b] should now be easier to obtain. We increased the window of opportunity for the achievement to happen and removed a hidden requirement that was making the achievement unnecessarily hard to obtain. Remember that damage-over-time effects do not trigger this achievement, you have to use direct damage. Koji the Ninja and his achievement should now be much easier to obtain. His room now always spawns at the end of the Random Crypt level. You still have to beat the timed challenge though. Bring some high-damage characters and gear. [h2]Combat:[/h2] Enemy mass increased considerably. This increases the damage you inflict when you use enemies as thrown weapons. Improved the visuals of slam-weapon attacks. We also increased the size of the collision for such attacks. Slam melee weapons had their damage increased by roughly 15% and their cooldown increased by 20%. This should make them more interesting and powerful and make that "action speed" stat a little bit more useful. Stab weapon attacks now grant a forward dash when you strike. This adds mobility and further differentiates them from the rest of the melee items. Be careful, enemies also have this new lunge to their attacks. Stab weapons have now slightly longer cooldowns and stagger the enemies for a shorter timespan, so you have to be a little more careful when spamming attacks. Blocking was a little bit too easy to spam and provided no challenge and a forgettable reward. Resulting in continuous block-spamming without getting much benefit if a block was timed correctly. To fix this we added some commitment to the block action and increased the counterattack effect if the block is timed correctly. Specifically, we made these changes to the Block and Counterattack effects: [list] [*] Block cooldown increased to 0.5s from 0.2 seconds. [*] Block mana cost has been increased [*] Block window of opportunity decreased from 1.2s to 1.0s [*] Counterattack critical damage increased by an extra 50% [/list] We made a similar change to Dash actions increasing the mana cost and changing the cooldown from 0.35s to 0.6s. To balance this a little bit we increased the stagger effect from 0.9s to 1.0s. Items that grant Dash have now a more consistent damage output and mana usage. [h2]Game Balance:[/h2] All enemies have had their health at max tier reduced by an extra 10% All enemies have had their damage at low tiers increased by 5% and decreased by 7% at max tier. This means enemies you encounter when you are low-level deal more damage and have the same health, while enemies you encounter at max level have less hp and deal less damage. [h2]Belief Trees:[/h2] We tweaked a little bit better how some stats scale in your upgrade trees. We reduced the raw mana-regen, speed, and throw range upgrades and changed some of the "big" square perks so that they grant these stats as a multiplier based on your current stat value. This allows different classes to be more unique in their progression. [h2]Moon Level:[/h2] We cleaned up a bit the Moon Level removing some clutter and optimizing game spaces. We also made enemies much more reactive.