Super Cane Magic ZERO - Legend of the Cane Cane

Crash-land in the psychedelic world of Super Cane Magic ZERO, a local co-op Action RPG for 1 to 4 players! Immerse yourself in the mind-bending Story Mode or pummel your friends in 8 local Battle Arenas. Smash! Loot! Eat Rocks! Fight a really big fridge!

The focus of this update is to make the game more accessible to new players and to reward exploration rather than repetitive enemy grinding. Let's see what we changed: [b]PUNCHES![/b] Players can now attack and dash even without weapons or items equipped. The basic actions are much weaker compared to having a real weapon in hand, but the game should feel much more responsive and fun now. Being able to punch and dash in every arena should also make matches much more interesting! [b]Levels:[/b] We tweaked a few levels in the early hours of the game campaign and optimized several areas. We also added extra loot and new connections between early levels to allow multiple exploration paths. If you look carefully, you should also find a new challenging "mini-dungeon" in the Poptarts area. [list] [*] Tweaked and redesigned the first part of the WPD Jail tutorial [*] Added a generous amount of loot after you defeat the Wise Tree [*] Improved the design of a secondary area in the Lava Bakery [*] Removed a lot of empty space in the Poptarts Academy and added new connections to other levels [*] In Poptarts, the location of a "certain item" required to complete the game should be much easier to identify now. [*] Minimum rarity level of items available in most shops has been set to green instead of white [*] Added a new "low quality" shop in Poptarts, available from the beginning. Players can buy and sell items there [*] Nevola park, Poptarts Underground Archive, and the Secret Cave should now be much more interesting... and dangerous. [/list] [b]Economy Rebalance:[/b] [list] [*] Kibbles and Salami spawn have been rebalanced. On average, you should earn more resources, and earn them more steadily. [*] Supply crates now also drop Salami and Kibbles [*] Salami stacks drop more Salami and no Kibbles [*] Piggybanks now drop only Kibbles [*] Kibbles' amount is now displayed in the game UI outside of the inventory [/list] [b]Bug Fixes and other tweaks:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed some dialogues in Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Simplified Chinese that caused the game to freeze [*] Fixed a bug that could cause a reset of the rarity of the item in the inventory [*] Fixed a bug that could cause enemy health bars to show an incorrect status when the enemy was healed [*] Dash and warp skills now follow the direction of the character movement instead of the direction of the aim. [*] Fixed a minor bug with the "pizza quests" that prevented the secondary subquests to complete, even if the "Main Pizza Quest" was resolved. [*] The number of throwables random dungeons first room has been increased [*] Tomatomen now move faster [*] Minor dialogues changes [/list]