Super Cane Magic ZERO - Legend of the Cane Cane

Crash-land in the psychedelic world of Super Cane Magic ZERO, a local co-op Action RPG for 1 to 4 players! Immerse yourself in the mind-bending Story Mode or pummel your friends in 8 local Battle Arenas. Smash! Loot! Eat Rocks! Fight a really big fridge!

Welcome back, Adventurers! During the last few weeks we have collected feedback from all of you users and put together some fixes and improvements. Loading times are now improved and many game elements had been rebalanced. After all this work, Patch 25.10 here is now available! Let's see the detailed changelog: [list] [*] Re-worked level loading to improved loading times. The game will take slightly longer to load at launch, but levels should be load much faster [*] You will now have a visual feedback when you have the perk that allows you to walk on lava [*] Killing grass no longer grants experience points [*] Elemental blocks now drop resources [*] Koji special attack has been now rebalanced, raising its mana cost [*] Potato King and explosive potatoes attack has been rebalanced [*] Lasers in the Laser Duel Arena had been rebalanced [*] Carrot Gun and Pirate Gun now cost more mana and have a reduced range [*] Custom names are not used in the arena mode character selection anymore [*] Asian languages translations have been updated to fix a few missing lines [*] GUI now resizes correctly when in 4k resolution [*] Fixed a bug that caused the player name to be lost when restarting in some rare cases [*] Fixed a bug that made impossible to pass through some narrow passages of tutorial level [*] Fixed a bug that allowed you to walk on some stands [*] Fixed a bug that was preventing refrigerator enemies from jumping. [*] Fixed a few tile and item placement errors in the Poptarts Academy. [*] Fixed a rare issue that was preventing NPCs to properly choose their targets. [/list] This patch has already been released on PlayStation 4 and will soon reach Nintendo Switch as well! Don't forget to follow us on [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]Twitter[/url] or [url=]Instagram[/url] to receive all our updates! And, if you haven't already, [u]leave us a review[/u] and share with us your favorite game screenshot!