Update 2 is now live!

DreamDesk VR

VR Desktop Environment Access all your software, files, browse the net, stream Netflix, watch 360/SBS/OU/3D and play games on multiple virtual screens. DreamDesk allows you create, scale and place virtual screens around you without additional hardware or drivers.

Hey guys and gals! First major update since launch coming in that resolves many issues users have been experiencing. This update comes along with a complete rebasing / refactoring of the code and therefore will possibly have some small differences in feel to the previous version, though much cleaner. Here are the highlights: [h1] Fatal Error! [/h1] There was a bug within our windowing code causing many windows to crash the application without any real consistency or predictability. Each system reacted to the application differently. We have (hopefully) resolved all these issues. Across our extensive testing over the last few days we have not seen this crop up locally. Furthermore, we've re-enabled the Crash Reporter so you guys can give us any logs that may be presented to you. Let us know if the crashes are persisting on your end. [h1] Unreal Engine 4.12 -> Unreal Engine 4.13 [/h1] We've upgraded engine versions which bring many improvements to both the VR infrastructure and integration with SteamVR. Oculus users who have SteamVR installed should no longer see SteamVR launching when running in 'other VR' mode. [h1] The jitters [/h1] Though we're unsure if the jitters will be completely resolved on all systems, we've noticed a marked improvement in performance when running the application in all cases. We've seen an increased capability for both a higher number of windows open and overall smoothness of the application. Let us know if anything is better for you :) [h1] What about that Quality of Life? [/h1] - We've made a few changes to the rendering parameters which should show an improvement in picture quality out of the box for all users. This should remove the need for manual SuperSampling on HTC Vive as well as give a more consistent look in all aspects. - We've heard feedback that the VR Reticle for managing your windows felt erratic and possibly unresponsive due to it only reacting to windows and the floor beneath the user. We have enabled the reticle to show everywhere within the environment as to give a more consistent feel to our reticle. (You can now draw lines in mid air too!) - Windows can no longer shrink to the point of being non-existent. They now have a cap to how small they can be as to ensure you can always rescale them back to normal size. - The tutorial video is now embedded within the engine and will be presented to new users on first launch. The tutorial can also be brought up using Ctrl+Alt+? and will play in-engine. (Bonus: this is groundwork for supporting opening video files within dreamdesk itself =) ) - Our Steam integration is a little tighter and will properly show 'is playing' display on proper launch/exit of the application. - We've removed the Toggle Mirror Mode and Toggle VR commands. The Toggle Mirror Mode command was causing the Vive mirror window to break and Toggle VR is not really useful due to the fact that in non-vr mode, why would you need dreamdesk? ;) - The desktop also now begins both bigger, and a little closer to the user. We were told that it was too small on launch and too far away. This should put it in a slightly more comfortable position. [h1] Bug fixes [/h1] Though bug fixes weren't the priority (outside of the Fatal Error addressed above), we've managed to squeeze one in. - Toggle Minimize will always behave as expected whether you manually minimize/unminimize the mirror. [h1] That's cool and all, but what next?[/h1] This week, we're working on integrating some level of LeapMotion and Vive controllers. You will still need your mouse and keyboard for a good portion of the functionality but we're hoping that at least moving and scaling windows will be supported through motion controllers. We understand that Hardware Accelerated windows are a pain point for some users, we're still looking into it. [h1] That is all [/h1] Thanks for supporting DreamDesk and be sure to join us on the Discussion Boards to let us know how we're doing! Give us your feature suggestions as well as we're actively balancing our planned features against user requests and will be chugging along. Yours, Ozzadar