Shady Knight is a first-person skill-driven melee action game centered around swift swordplay, acrobatic archery, and fluid platforming that seamlessly blends combat and parkour skills into a stylish dance of death full of creative chaos.
Hi everyone,
Just a small update for the new Practice elements : )
[url=]Welcome to Practice Arena![/url]
[h3]Practice Arena
[*] [b]Music Theme[/b] option added to Arena Options. The default is the HUBRIS theme and now you can choose your favourite from Cravenness, Ignorance, Wrath and of course Obsession.
[*] [b]Added a few Weapon Sigils,[/b] one on the first floor and a couple in good places to practice your tangent wallkicking skills.
[*] Slightly changed the 'basement' part of the map with a new way to reach the top floor.
[*] The "Start With" option will only switch your weapon to the selected one when you change the option (instead of every time you pause the game) and on quick restart.
[*] The Practice Arena and the first two Style Maps (Jump & Sword) are unlocked immediately upon reaching Ignorance. The last two Style Maps (Slide & Bow) are unlocked after entering the Hubris.
[h3]Fixed Bugs[/h3]
[*] Fixed rare Strike Cancel bug on weapon throw.
[*] Fixed. The Leaders menu item wasn't hidden for Style Maps.
[*] Removed development texture on Sword Style.
[*] And a few minor UI bugs related to the new Practice menus.
Happy Holidays!