Update 0.1.2

Fish Person Shooter

A retro styled FPS with a hook! Fishmen pirates have invaded the island of San Esteban, can you defeat them?

Thanks everyone that reported bugs and sent me feedback, if you sent me something that wasn't fixed now, I'm still working on it, anyway, here's what on 0.1.2: New: - Support for 4K, 8K and all the resolutions in between (I don't have a monitor that supports something above 4k so you tell me if it works) - Added a Bug Report option to send bug reports and feedback directly from the game! Balancing: - Oyster enemies damage lowered by 20% - Bazoocrab damage lowered by 10% - Added a few tips on Map 1 to help in parts people where getting stuck a lot - Some changes made to Map 4 to prevent early access to later parts of the level - Added more items in Maps 4, 5 and 6 to make things a bit easier. - Ammo and scales don't get collected if player already has them maxed out (should be like this from the beginning, don't know what I was thinking) Fixes: - "Continue Game" option doesn't crash the game anymore if there's no save\ - Chests and vases are now being correctly respawned - Elevators are now being correctly reloaded on respawned - Respawning after a fall doesn't hurt the player anymore - Shrimps and Little Sponges should respawn correctly - Armored Kraken not freezing after player respawned - Weapon sprites shouldn't be getting out of place now - Fixed collision in several spots in Map 4 where the player could go out of bounds - Fixed mouse sensitivity going too low if player died or enter a cutscene with the sniper rifle equipped - Fixed an issue were Killer Blow would still shoot at player after dead! - Game shouldn't crash as much on Map 4, those crashes are hard to figure out.