Update 2: “Dreams of the Void"


SpellRogue is a turn-based, deckbuilding roguelike where you cast powerful spells using your Mana Dice, gain legendary artifacts, upgrade your spells and experiment with potent combinations to annihilate the Voidwalkers corrupting the world.

[h1]Greetings Dice Slingers,[/h1] Today we are releasing the second update for SpellRogue! We added a brand new elite encounter in the Void: Behold the Dreamweaver, a nightmarish entity born in the unfathomable depths of cosmic oblivion. Legends speak of their ability to manifest lifebonded imitations of their prey, so take caution as you venture into the depths. [previewyoutube=UpzZhd2nXAg;full][/previewyoutube] We also reworked and rebalanced enemies and added several new group constellations of enemies. Additionally the update includes new content in the form of Spells, Artifacts and Events, as well as balance changes and bug fixes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/e6f612702a6bedef6bc900eaaa43ed3f07bd1959.png[/img] [i]For upcoming updates we are planning to take another pass on some existing gameplay systems. First of all we will be evaluating Rituals, as most of them doesn’t as work very well as combo pieces. So expect changes and maybe even reworks in this area for the next update! We are planning to post an updated roadmap later this week, where we will further discuss our plans. A note about localization: We are sorry for the lack of translations for a few texts in the game right now - we are planning to make a hotfix with everything translated in the coming week! For future updates this should go a bit smoother.[/i] Anyway, here are all the juicy details!: [h1]SpellRogue 0.9.2: “Dreams of the Void”[/h1] [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] New Dreamweaver elite void encounter. [*] Enemy encounter overhaul and rework/rebalance of enemies. [*] New content!: 4 Spells, 6 Artifacts, 1 Potion, 1 Event [*] Balance tweaks, especially for Spells and Mutators [*] “Trap” debuffs applied by enemies are no longer removed each round [/list] [h2]Content[/h2] [list] [*] NEW: Spell (Void) GAZE FROM BEYOND [*] NEW: Spell (Earth) GRANITE GUARD [*] NEW: Spell (Earth) THORNLASH [*] NEW: Spell (Water) RISING TORRENT [*] NEW: Artifact RAGE BLADE [*] NEW: Artifact LIFEBLOOD VESSEL [*] NEW: Artifact ROD OF RESURGENCE [*] NEW: Artifact ARCTIC AXE [*] NEW: Artifact LIFEDRINKER [*] NEW: Artifact SENTINEL SIGIL [*] NEW: Potion PLURALITY PHILTER [*] NEW: Enemy DREAMWEAVER [*] NEW: Enemy MAJOR VOID OOZE [*] NEW: Event CHAPEL [/list] [h3]Spells[/h3][list] [*] Spell (Void) DARK ARTS Sockets: [*8*] -> [*7*] [*] Spell (Void) DARK ARTS+B Sockets: [*5*] -> [*4*] [*] Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS Sockets: [*6*] -> [*7*] [*] Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS Block: 2 -> 1 [*] Spell (Void) POWER NEXUS+A Lose Power -> 1 [*] Spell (Void) TENDRILS Damage: 2 -> 4 [*] Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Sockets: [*9*] -> [*10*] [*] Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Redesigned: 'Gain 2 Block. Increase by 1 for each Spell cast this round.' [*] Spell (Earth) ASPECT OF EARTH Charges: 1 -> 2 [*] Spell (Earth) BLOOM BOLT Deal Damage: 6+1 per stacks -> 4+1 per stacks [*] Spell (Earth) FLOURISH Sockets: [*12*] -> [*11*] [*] Spell (Earth) FLOURISH Redesigned: 'Roll 2 dice5—dice6.' [*] Spell (Earth) FLOURISH+A Sockets: [*8*] -> [*7*] [*] Spell (Earth) FLOURISH+B Redesigned: 'Rolls Glimmer dice' [*] Spell (Earth) FORCE OF NATURE+A Redesigned: 2x[dicex] [*] Spell (Earth) FORCE OF NATURE+B Redesigned: remove odd/even: [*] Spell (Earth) MAUL Sockets: [*9*] -> [*11*] [*] Spell (Earth) PROLIFERATE Sockets: [*10*] -> [*11*] [*] Spell (Earth) RELIEF Sockets: [*9*] -> [*10*] [*] Spell (Earth) TOTEM Sockets: [*10*] -> [*8*] [*] Spell (Earth) TOTEM+A Block: 6 -> 5 [*] Spell (Fire) CHARCOAL DAGGER Sockets: [2-5] -> [ ] [*] Spell (Fire) EXTRACT Rarity: Rare -> Uncommon [*] Spell (Fire) GLOWING VISAGE Base Block: 2 -> 4 [*] Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE Sockets: [1-3] -> [1-4] [*] Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B Rupture Multiplier -> 2 [*] Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B Charges -> -1 [*] Spell (Fire) HEMORRHAGE+B Sockets: [ ] removed [*] Spell (Fire) HURT Sockets: [4-6] -> [2-6] [*] Spell (Fire) INCINERATE Damage: 12 -> 14 [*] Spell (Fire) RECLAMATION Block: 7 -> 6 [*] Spell (Fire) SACRIFICE Sockets: [ ] -> [Odd] [*] Spell (Fire) SAP LIFEFORCE Damage: 6 -> 5 [*] Spell (Water) BLIZZARD Sockets: [*5*] -> [*3*] [*] Spell (Water) CHANNEL AZUR Sockets: [4-6] -> [1-5] [*] Spell (Water) CHANNEL AZUR+B Sockets: [1-3] [*] Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Block: 8 -> 9 [*] Spell (Water) FROZEN SHIELD Fury: 2 -> 3 [*] Spell (Water) ICE BLAST Damage: 7 -> 9 [*] Spell (Water) ICE BLAST+A Damage: 4 -> 5 [*] Spell (Water) MENTAL RESERVOIR Sockets: [*18*] -> [*20*] [/list] [h3]Artifacts[/h3][list] [*] Artifact ILLUMINE NECKLACE Redesigned: 'For each 3 Attack Spells cast in a single round, gain 1 [Power].' [*] Artifact SMOLDERING TORCH Ignite Stacks: 2 -> 1 [*] Artifact UNSTABLE MANACORE Cooldown: 2 -> 3 [*] Artifact BOTTLE OF FIRE Amount: 5 -> 6 [*] Artifact CHARGED NECKLACE Damage: 15 -> 18 [*] Artifact FLAME BRAND Cooldown: 14 -> 15 [*] Artifact GIANT'S POUCH Reduce Shop Prices: 40 -> 50 [*] Artifact HORN OF VIRTUE Block required: 8 -> 10 [*] Artifact PROTECTING SPROUTLING Cooldown: 14 -> 15 [*] Artifact SIGHT SHIELD Block: 5 -> 4 [*] Artifact VORTEX CRYSTAL Roll Dice: Fixed -> Range Roll Dice: 6 -> 2 [/list] [h3]Rituals[/h3][list] [*] Ritual FLUX REVERSAL Cooldown: 3 -> 2 [/list] [h3]Enemies[/h3][list] [*] Enemy BURNING TREANT HP: 36 -> 32 [*] Enemy CORRUPT BRUTE HP: 8 -> 9 [*] Enemy CORRUPT BRUTE Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. -> Deal 5 Damage. [*] Enemy CORRUPT FRIAR HP: 10 -> 11 [*] Enemy CORRUPT FRIAR Action 2: Apply 4 Fungus Armor. -> Apply 5 Fungus Armor. [*] Enemy CORRUPT RAVAGER Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. -> Deal 4 Damage. [*] Enemy CORRUPT RAVAGER Action 3: Deal 2 Damage 2 times. Remove all Buried. -> Deal 3 Damage 2 times. Remove all Buried. [*] Enemy DREAD TREANT HP: 23 -> 22 [*] Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN HP: 32 -> 30 [*] Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN Action 2: Apply Snare on 2 random Spells. -> Deal 1 Damage 3 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. [*] Enemy FAERIE GUARDIAN Action 3: Gain 4 Power. -> Gain 2 Power. Gain 6 Block. [*] Enemy GOLEM HP: 40 -> 32 [*] Enemy GOLEM Action 3: Apply Broken on random Spell. -> Deal 7 Damage. Apply Broken on random Spell. [*] Enemy LIVING EMBERS HP: 14 -> 12 [*] Enemy LIVING EMBERS Action 2: Deal 6 Damage. -> Deal 7 Damage. [*] Enemy SPINE FIEND HP: 21 -> 23 [*] Enemy TOXIC OOZE HP: 7 -> 6 [*] Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION HP: 60 -> 55 [*] Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION Action 2: Deal 10 Damage. -> Deal 8 Damage. [*] Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION Action 3: Deal 4 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 3 Damage 2 times. [*] Enemy CARRION ABOMINATION Action 4: Deal 5 Damage. Summon 1 Toxic Ooze at Leading. -> Deal 4 Damage. Summon 1 Toxic Ooze at Leading. [*] Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 1: Deal 5 Damage. -> Deal 3 Damage 2 times. [*] Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 2: Deal 2 Damage 3 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. -> Apply Fractured on 2 random Spells. [*] Enemy CORRUPT ABBOT Action 3: Gain 2 Power. Gain 10 Fungus Armor. -> Gain 2 Power. Gain 12 Fungus Armor. [*] Enemy PRIMORDIAL BLAZE Action 2: Deal 10 Damage. Apply Ignite on random Spell. -> Deal 12 Damage. Apply Ignite on random Spell. [*] Enemy PRIMORDIAL BLAZE Action 3: Deal 7 Damage 2 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. -> Deal 8 Damage 2 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. [*] Enemy PRIMORDIAL BLAZE Action 5: Deal 9 Damage 4 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. -> Deal 8 Damage 4 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. [*] Enemy DESERT GOLEM HP: 55 -> 60 [*] Enemy WARLOCK HP: 80 -> 48 [*] Enemy WARLOCK Action 1: Deal 8 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 4 Damage 3 times. [*] Enemy WARLOCK Action 2: Apply 2 Sap. Apply 2 Weak. -> Gain 2 Power. [*] Enemy DEVIL ASSASSIN Action 2: Deal 13 Damage. Apply 1 Curse. -> Apply 3 Curse. [*] Enemy DEVIL ASSASSIN Action 3: Deal 7 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 8 Damage. Gain 8 Block. [*] Enemy DEVIL ASSASSIN Action 4: Deal 13 Damage. Gain 1 Power. -> Deal 7 Damage 2 times. [*] Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER HP: 80 -> 60 [*] Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER Action 1: Apply roll-trigger Power Trap. Apply roll-trigger Power Trap. -> Apply roll-trigger Rupture Trap. [*] Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER Action 2: Apply roll-trigger Silence Trap. -> Deal 10 Damage. [*] Enemy DEVIL SPELLCASTER Action 3: Deal 15 Damage. -> Deal 2 Damage 3 times. Apply Ignite on random Spell. [*] Enemy BARBED GRUB HP: 30 -> 27 [*] Enemy PLATED GRUB HP: 20 -> 17 [*] Enemy PLATED GRUB Buffs: Block: 10 -> 15 [*] Enemy PLATED GRUB Action 1: Gain 15 Block. -> Gain 10 Block. [*] Enemy PLATED GRUB Action 2: Deal 4 Damage. -> Deal 6 Damage. [*] Enemy PLATED GRUB Action 3: Gain 2 Power. Gain 6 Block. -> Gain 2 Power. Gain 10 Block. [*] Enemy SPITTING GRUB HP: 30 -> 26 [*] Enemy SPITTING GRUB Action 1: Deal 8 Damage. Apply 1 Sap. -> Deal 6 Damage. Apply 2 Sap. [*] Enemy SPITTING GRUB Action 2: Apply 2 Sap. -> Deal 2 Damage 2 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. [*] Enemy IMP FANATIC HP: 38 -> 36 [*] Enemy IMP HATCHLING HP: 27 -> 20 [*] Enemy IMP RAIDER HP: 28 -> 30 [*] Enemy IMP RAIDER Buffs: Imp Mark removed [*] Enemy IMP RAIDER Action 2: Deal 15 Damage. -> Deal 14 Damage. [*] Enemy IMP RAIDER Action 3: Deal 9 Damage. Apply 3 Weak. -> Deal 8 Damage. Apply 2 Weak. [*] Enemy IMP WARRIOR HP: 42 -> 28 [*] Enemy MAGUS HP: 70 -> 75 [*] Enemy MAGUS Action 2: Deal 8 Damage. Gain 2 Power. -> Deal 14 Damage. [*] Enemy MAGUS Action 3: Deal 11 Damage. Apply 2 Marked. -> Apply 3 Marked. [*] Enemy ABYSS WALKER Action 1: Deal 12 Damage. Apply roll-trigger Rupture Trap. -> Apply roll-trigger Power Trap. [*] Enemy ABYSS WALKER Action 2: Deal 6 Damage 2 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. -> Deal 1 Damage 3 times. Apply Infected on random Spell. [*] Enemy ABYSS WALKER Action 3: Gain 3 Power. -> Deal 6 Damage. Apply 3 Sap. [*] Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT HP: 60 -> 55 [*] Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. Gain 1 Power. -> Deal 5 Damage. Gain 1 Power. [*] Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 2: Gain 15 Reshape. Gain 1 [Reshape (hidden)]. Gain 5 Block. -> Gain 20 Reshape. Gain 1 [Reshape (hidden)]. [*] Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 3: Deal 3 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 5 Damage 2 times. [*] Enemy COSMIC SPIRIT Action 4: Apply 1 Marked. Apply 1 Curse. -> Apply 2 Marked. Apply 2 Curse. [*] Enemy ORB OF INFINITY Action 3: Apply 3 Sap. Apply roll-trigger Dice Trap. -> Apply roll-trigger Dice Trap. [*] Enemy PYLON OF ENFEEBLEMENT HP: 50 -> 40 [*] Enemy PYLON OF MIGHT HP: 50 -> 35 [*] Enemy VOID OOZE Redesigned: Now spawns Minor Ooze after taking 30 Damage. [*] Enemy VOID OOZE HP: 100 -> 60 [*] Enemy VOID OOZE Action 1: Deal 10 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 8 Damage 2 times. [*] Enemy VOID OOZE Action 2: Deal 18 Damage. Gain 2 Power. -> Deal 8 Damage. Gain 3 Power. [*] Enemy MINOR VOID OOZE HP: 50 -> 30 [*] Enemy MINOR VOID OOZE Action 1: Deal 6 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 2 Damage 3 times. [*] Enemy MINOR VOID OOZE Action 2: Apply 2 Dazed. Gain 2 Power. -> Gain 2 Power. [*] Enemy FIERCE VOIDLING Action 1: Deal 6 Damage. Gain 2 Power. -> Deal 8 Damage. Apply Broken on random Spell. [*] Enemy FIERCE VOIDLING Action 2: Deal 8 Damage. Gain 8 Power. -> Deal 8 Damage 2 times. Apply Broken on random Spell. [*] Enemy WRATH VOIDLING Action 1: Deal 3 Damage. -> Deal 4 Damage. [*] Enemy WRATH VOIDLING Action 2: Deal 3 Damage 2 times. -> Deal 4 Damage 2 times. [/list] [h3]Mutators[/h3][list] [*] Mutator DIMINISHMENT+++ Value: 8 -> 10 [*] Mutator ENGORGE Value: 5 -> 6 [*] Mutator UNRELENTING FOES Value: 3 -> 2 [*] Mutator UNRELENTING FOES+ Value: 7 -> 5 [*] Mutator TEMPEST+++++++ Value: 8 -> 9 [*] Mutator TEMPEST++++++++ Value: 9 -> 11 [*] Mutator SCARCITY Value: 4 -> 2 [*] Mutator SCARCITY+ Value: 10 -> 6 [*] Mutator CATACLYSM+++ Value: 13 -> 15 [*] Mutator UNWIELDINESS++ Value: 9 -> 11 [*] Mutator HUSH Value: 5 -> 6 [*] Mutator PERFORATING SIXES Value: 8 -> 10 [*] Mutator OBSTACLE Block: 4 -> 5 [*] Mutator OBSTACLE+ Block: 4 -> 5 [*] Mutator OBSTACLE++ Block: 12 -> 15 [*] Mutator OBSTACLE+++ Block: 8 -> 10 [*] Mutator OBSTACLE++++ Block: 12 -> 15 [*] REMOVED: Mutator DIMINISHMENT++++ [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed Guard’s description specifying it only works for spells. [*] Fixed spell buff issues on spells that “hold” dice between turns. [*] Fixed Seashell wand activating non-playable spells [*] Fixed Dice Split counting as Destroy. [*] Fixed Weak Aura stacking [*] Fixed softlock after defeating final boss [*] Fixed some gamepad issues (mutation stage menu) [*] Fixed typos, grammatical issues and so on. [/list] May your dice roll true 🧙 Tim & Thorbjørn