[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1013898841549967390/1071862648473399316/Capture3.JPG?width=2841&height=1364[/img] This is a very big and important update. We have dangerous automobile traffic! Collectible uranium! Meatballs! Lots of improvements to enemies and levels, including the first complete redo of one of the rougher early levels, something that I will be doing to a few more of the levels over the upcoming updates. CHANGELIST: [list] [*] Completely remade the Tombstone map [*] Removed TowerBlocks from the map rotation. It’s being remade along the same lines as Tombstone and will be re-added once it’s ready. [*] Adjusted enemy AI to be more mobile and aggressive. They will randomly wander much more, move around while shooting, jump around, and will find and pursue you if shot from far away. [*] Major level overhaul to Backwash [*] Added getting run over by trucks [*] Added 3 types of collectible to each level: Meatballs, Burritos, and Enriched Uranium [*] Fixed player movement stuttering when kicking in midair [*] Added a slight random variation in pitch and volume to enemy attack sounds to make them a bit less abrasive/repetitive [*] Added a variety of new vehicle models and added them into various levels [*] Added a bunch of new NPCs, items, and side quests [/list]