UPDATE 11: feetlovers pizza

Escape From Meat City

A fast-paced, roguelike first-person shooter with hand-drawn visuals. Escape from the slaughterhouse, shoot your way through hordes of Federal Agents, and collect enough change for the bus!

[img]https://i.imgur.com/WA1SpWz.jpg[/img] Another update! The big add this time is kicking! Press F to pay your respects to doors, barrels, and the faces of your enemies! Also a lot of level improvements and new art assets! The old stock image power-up icons are gone! Yay! [i][b]CHANGELIST:[/b][/i] [list] [*] Added new icons for power-ups [*] Added feet and kicking! Press F to kick! [*] Added kick damage power-up [*] Re-added damage reflect power-up [*] Major level overhauls to Smokestack and Backwash [*] Update building parts to make windows easier to see and shoot through [*] Added kickable/openable doors [*] Minor level improvements to Neighborhood [*] Raised the height of the player’s camera to make the heights of things in the environment appear more realistic [*] Fixed Backwash using Smokestack’s icon on the level map [/list]