Update 1.85 is live!

Heads Will Roll: Downfall

Heads Will Roll: Downfall is a combination of a tactical role-playing game and visual novel, in which you will assume the role of a medieval soldier.

Hello. We're happy to inform you that patch 1.85 is offiicially out. It is the last update for Downfall and its arrival marks the end of our tech support for the game. This is a necessary decision as we still have a lot of work ahead of us with highly ambitious HWR: Reforged and going forward we simply don't have enough resources to support two games. During last two weeks we've done a lot of testing and ended up altering some of the things that were present in the original 1.85 changelog that I've posted a while back. In general, this update, aside from bugfixing, is supposed to do four major things: [olist] [*] Make each stat more fleshed out while providing players a better understanding of what each of them does; [*] Make combat more dependant on stats AND fatigue rather than PRIMARILY fatigue; [*] Encourage heavy armor\weapons playstyles; [*] Discourage playstyles based around constantly recovering fatigue in battle. [/olist] The testing we've done leads us to believe that we were at least somewhat successful in those tasks, but, as always, it's your opinion that matters and we'll be very much looking forward to hearing what you guys think. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [b]Fixed:[/b] 1. Fixed a bug that allowed to duplicate trinkets if all three equipped trinkets are identical. 2. Fixed an abuse with permanent inventory space increase through trinket manipulation. 3. Fixed a bug with enemies having negative stamina recovery value. 4. Fixed a bug with gorgets, bracers and legarmor losing their properties and turning into "0" items (HOPEFULLY). 5. Fixed the "ally_bone_crusher_limbs" error that resulted in a crash. 6. Fixed an error that allowed to trigger reconnaissance quest in chapters 2 and 3. 7. Fixed a bug when damaged armor item with 0 actual armor value still 'partially blocked' the strikes. 8. Fixed a bunch of faulty interactions with hotswapping shields that resulted in various errors. 9. Fixed several other minor bugs. [b]Added and changed:[/b] 1. Stats debuffs from armor items no longer allow to level stats above the chapter threshold. 2. Skills in manual generation now can be levelled up to 10 rather than only up to 5 (but for additional much higher cost). 3. Further increased evasion penalty applied to stunned targets (from -50 to -80). 4. increased the cost of weapon skill levelling in manual generation. 5. Player can no longer equip identical trinkets. 6. Added hotswap for pouches with stored items. 7. Manual character generation now also allows to increase and decrease virtue. 8. Reworked flagrum, now it correctly applies virtue buffs (like pray), but also has stronger penalties. 9. Slightly reworked formula that determined enemy stats (now they will be just a little bit increased). 10. Added one additional armor item in shop (if soldiers rep is higher than 25). 11. Now damage is increased for every 6 points of weapon skill insted of every 3. 12. Sligtly tweaked some weapons' damage and stamina consumption. 13. Added several new icons. 14. Reworked formulas for armor interaction: [list] [*] limbs armor will be easier to punch through [*] head and neck armor will be considerably harder to punch through [*] overhead strikes now will be much more potent at punching through armor [/list] 15. Increased armor value of pretty much all body armor. 16. Split overhead strikes into two categories: one-handed and two-handed. One-handed overheads increase damage by a third of character's strength. Two-handed - by a half. 17. Deep cut now increases damage by a half of your agility. This bonus also can be increased by body part damage modifier. 18. Coordination no longer increases your fatigue recovery, now it is increased by your endurance. 19. Added additional evasion bonuses on Easy difficulty. In theory this should result in a little bit more cinematic battles where the player is much harder to be actually killed. Respite action is also available every turn on this difficulty. 20. Respite action now has charges and using it requires player to have at least one charge. Player starts each battle with zero of them and receives charges for every successful attack that hits the enemy (full hit, partial hit, shield block - works for melee weapons, daggers and crossbows). Light attacks grant one charge, heavy attacks - two. Each kill grants five. 21. Successful split shield attack that breaks character's shield no longer does damage to character's health. 22. Canteens and waterskins now have the same effect both in battle and in camp (stamina and fatigue recovery). 23. Weapons\crossbow skill increases chances of bypassing target's shield when attacking. 24. Added new tooltips and descriptions for stats that precisely describe what they do. 25. Added slight buffs to runes and mail breaker. 26. Rebalanced stats. Weapon skill is now the primary characteristic that is reliable for hitting the target. Having low WS would seriously decrease your chances to land a blow on tougher enemies. Agility also still increases attack chance but very supplementary - it will still be useful but won't be able to carry you. When it comes to defense things are reverted: agility gives a way bigger defense bonus while WS only helps a little. Also a quick reminder that we have a Boosty page where you can support us financially and receive all kinds of rewards. And also gain an early preview of the smoking hot new girls that will be in Reforged. Here's the link: https://boosty.to/1917studios That's all for today. Cheers, 1917 Studios.