Heads Will Roll: Reforged — Not a Hero. New DLC announcement and release date.

Heads Will Roll: Downfall

Heads Will Roll: Downfall is a combination of a tactical role-playing game and visual novel, in which you will assume the role of a medieval soldier.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42148793/735b0bd06dcdb3131c35f88f3e142ccfaaa0d3dd.png[/img] Hello guys! We are happy to finally make an official announcement of [b]Heads Will Roll: Reforged's[/b] second [b]DLC — Not a Hero[/b]. It is scheduled to release on [b]May 31st[/b] and — together with accompanying major patch — will bring along a huge amount of new content as well as usher in a considerable overhaul of the game's various systems and mechanics. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2850080/Heads_Will_Roll_Reforged/ So, what to expect? [h3]1. New story content[/h3] First of all, the DLC will introduce several new full story branches that will allow the player to take their character's life and career in various alternative directions after the ending of the Cambrai campaign. You will encounter many new friends and foes, go on new adventures, survive new challenges and, of course, face new tough moral choices. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42148793/37c3bf7f3f879908708384a515fc051b1b27a986.jpg[/img] 2. Squad system rework Then there is a much-awaited squad system rework which includes lots of new visual models, free customization of squadmates' war gear and expanded in-battle controls — with all of that ultimately allowing to perfectly tailor your allies equipment and behavior to suit your desired playstyle. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42148793/4f974d3757cee79a3498c06c7bc5be00ba414741.jpg[/img] 3. Civil talents Heads Will Roll's RPG elements are too going to get an expansion in the form of civil talents — various non-combat skills and abilities that will allow the player to make their character even more unique. The update will introduce about two dozens of civil talents of ranging magnitude with some of them acting like small pleasant bonuses while others being character-defining traits enabling for a whole playstyle to be built around. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42148793/5fa5e83f1d5a7e51aa5cc9916c3075d7601e13d0.jpg[/img] 4. Prestige mode In order to freshen up the game experience for the seasoned veterans we will be introducing a Prestige mode — a difficulty modifier that will considerably harden the game: weapons will now also lose durability and eventually break, combat will be much more fast and deadly, injuries - more frequent, time - less plentiful and some of the skill checks - way tougher. Completing the game in this mode will undoubtedly prove to be the toughest challenge yet and will require the player to truly value the character's life. 5. Trinket presets Considering the major importance of trinkets it is only natural for the player to be in need of oftenly replacing them, swapping around crafting, scavenging, combat and other sets. The upcoming update will finally address this by introducing trinket presets feature that allows to save several desired trinket combinations and then quickly swap between them, removing a lot of unnecessary actions. Together with that, there are also going to be dedicated buttons for instantly unequipping all the trinkets and placing them into inventory or chest. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42148793/0a95a5d8804215dcdc64c6be4d45aade311957e1.png[/img] 6. Interface improvements Another issue that the upcoming update will be addressing is the cumbersomeness of many of the game's item interaction menus. In order to fix this, the update will be adding quick action buttons allowing to move items between chest and inventory, as well as acquire items from loot in one click. 7. New gameplay balance The overall gameplay balance is too going to get a shakeup — buy and sell prices, skill check thresholds, time limits in chapters, item parameters and various other things are going to be updated to freshen up the game and correct some of the existing balancing issues. 8. Bugfixes And, of course, last but not least — bugfixing. The patch accompanying the DLC will contain a long list of fixes for many of the reported bugs (a detailed list will be provided with the release notes). As you can see, the scope of the upcoming update is going to be absolutely massive with pretty much all of the game's aspects getting expansions, improvements and overhauls. We are very much looking forward to release and hope that you are too! For more information on all things Heads Will Roll — or to get in touch with us — head over to our [url=https://discord.gg/xndPrtZMeT]Discord[/url]. Stay tuned! 1917 Studios