Patch 1.8 is live!

Heads Will Roll: Downfall

Heads Will Roll: Downfall is a combination of a tactical role-playing game and visual novel, in which you will assume the role of a medieval soldier.

Hello. We're glad to inform you that patch 1.8 has just went live. It is a pretty major update that is supposed to remedy a variety of issues. Hopefully it does its job. Here's a full changelog. Fixed: 1. Fixed quickswap interactions between two-handed weapons and shields. 2. Fixed a bug with tutorial images not disappearing. 3. Fixed a bug with battle interface icons hopping on top of each other. 4. Fixed a bug when comparing an equipped gorget\bracer\legarmor with one in shop would cause a crash. 5. Fixed a bug when an improved pen bolt could not be loaded into crossbow if it's the last one remaining in your pouch. 6. Fixed a bug when examining some two handed swords would cause a crash. 7. Fixed an error when visiting the tavern would sometimes trigger a blacksmith quest. 8. Fixed a bug when using face protection chops or attachable visor in crafting would cause a crash. 9. Fixed an error when trying to use recover action while at full stamina would cause bleedings and other effects to trigger for a second time in the same turn. 10. Corrected a bunch of errors and typos in translation. 11. Blue stone ring now properly displays its bonus in character tab. 12. Fixed a bug with infinite looting after battle with mercenaries in chapter 3. 13. Fixed a bug when starting the game with 3+ strength would not increase your inventory size right away. 14. Fixed a bug with 2 achievements not triggering properly (A Strange Affair and Soldier, Not A Murderer). 15. Fixed some errors related to receiving injuries. 16. Fixed a bunch of bugs that allowed stunned characters to shieldblock crossbow shots and thrown daggers. 17. Removed autoscaling elements for bandits in the woods. Generally made them a lot weaker stat- and gearwise. They will still pose a major threat early on but should start to rapidly fall off in later chapters. 18. Fixed a bug when picking up an iron cuirass from loot made the game crash. 19. Fixed an issue with Lesser silver ring sometimes having an incorrect image. 20. Fixed a bunch of other minor errors, bugs and inconsistencies. Added: 1. Added an ally in the battle against Scottish spearmen. 2. Added a global limit for canteens and waterskins (restocked every chapter). 3. Added a global limit for arrows (restocked every chapter). 4. Added a bunch of new items in manual generation menu (including high level weapons — two-handed swords, halberds etc., trinkets and armor). 5. Added quickswap mechanic for trinkets. 6. Added a reminder that TAB button can be used to skip dialogues and text. 7. Added more frequent autosaves in combat on HWR difficulty. 8. On easy difficulty mode all enemies that spawn after round two would spawn fatigued. 9. Enemies in chapter three will spawn severely poisoned. On easy difficulty mode there will be fewer of them in the first two battles. 10. Profile progress can now be reset. 11. Character generation points can now be converted into gold. 12. Inventory size will automatically be updated after equipping or removing trinkets that increase strength (sustaining strength-reducing injuries would also impact the inventory size). 13. De Monfort now fully recovers stamina at the beginning of his phase two. 14. You can only swap weapons in combat if you've got enough stats to wield the weapon in scabbard (you can still freely put any one-handed weapon in scabbard). 15. Lowered base bleed chance for bludgeoning weapons. 16. Player can no longer use respite if he has zero fatigue. 17. Increased the gain of timidity points for using respite. 18. Recalculated the formula for overhead strikes (half of strength is now added as damage; this strength-based portion of damage is also amplified by the body part damage modifier). 19. The torture quest now can also be completed with any kind of knife or dagger. 20. Reworked the formulas that decide ally's stats - it should result in some slight stats increase on normal-hard and a very considerable stats boost on easy mode (keep in mind that the ally's stats and gear are still tied to your reputation with soldiers); also slightly buffed ally's possible defensive gear. 21. Reworked rune of vitality - now it also recovers 1 hp every 2 turns. 22. Limbs strike can now cause enemy to accidentally drop his shield (this effect basically works as another possible injury). 23. Added more detailed descriptions for enemy's gorgets, bracers and legarmor. 24. Decreased repair cost for shields and armor. 25. Profile levelling points now are also given for completing story chapters and for one tenth of your gold. 26. Respite action now has a cooldown and can be used only once every two turns. 27. Fletcher's tools are always sold by Vettori and sewing kit is always sold by the medic. 28. If the player has run out of time in camp (or in a battlehub) and has no weapon to enter the battle with, he will be given a wooden club and a reputation penalty (prevents pepegas from getting softlocked). 29. Lowered the evasion bonus that agility provides. Also tweaked offensive\defensive bonuses of weapon skill and agility. 30. Reworked weapon skill training in camp. Solo training can now only get you up to 10 WS, sparring - up to 20. To get further you will have to train with a coach. On top of that WS training will consume more fatigue. 31. Lowered stamina cost for two-handed weapons' attacks. We'll be looking forward to hearing your feedback and impressions. To keep in touch and for more info on Heads Will Roll you can join our [url=]Discord[/url] and support us on [url=]Boosty[/url]. Cheers, 1917 Studios