Update 1.6.5 New Co-op campaign!

Sky Knights

Prove your skills as a pilot in this action-packed multiplayer dogfighting game. Take part in 4 vs 4 battles and outmaneuver opponents, master a variety of jets and weapons, support allied ground troops, and land on the runway. Only a well-orchestrated team of pilots can bring down the enemy bases.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/29661056/e1a7a82781692e6584472bcdadc333b682025da9.png[/img] [h1]New Co-op campaign![/h1] Long time Discord veteran, Patron, tech wiz and awesome person Turavis has contributed with a co-op campaign! Actually, he handed me the draft for this months ago, but I admit it was challenging enough for the testing to take a considerable time! I'm hyped to bring you the first user-created content. Thanks a lot for the contribution and your hard work, Turavis. The campaign puts you in the cockpit of Russian jets across several different maps, and is intended to play with one wingman. I warn you though, it's NOT easy! :) [h1]Power 100 modification crafting[/h1] When you craft a new modification using a power 100 raw material, you are now guaranteed to get another type of modification than the one you used for the crafting. Hopefully good news for the high-tier players trying to optimize their aircraft! [h1]Patreon[/h1] The Patreon is moving along nicely! We are up to eleven patrons now. A few more and we'll reach the first milestone (which means I'll create a new map). If you also want to support the development, and get access to exclusive stuff, like skins, a special Discord channel and other nice things, check out the [url=https://www.patreon.com/skyknights]Sky Knights Patreon page[/url]! [url=https://www.patreon.com/skyknights][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/29661056/c785dabb33d03f81f32d9d25551ebce9f5a205c6.png[/img][/url] Best regards //Bankler [b]1.6.5[/b] [list] [*] Added new co-op campaign "Angels Two" by Turavis. [*] When crafting, if you use a power 100 raw material you are now guaranteed to get a modification of another type than the raw material. [*] Added experimental feature for disabling the HUD (press LCtrl+LAlt+U) for screenshot/video making purposes. [*] Increased contrast on F-5E Desert skin. [*] Fixed glitch where chat input lost focus when another auto-selecting GUI element popped up (Shop screen and such). [*] Fixed glitch where next reward box wasn't selected when you opened a reward by explicitely selecting and pressing it with gamepad. [*] Fixed glitch where the gamepad device scroll list initially were scrolled to the bottom. [*] Fixed spawn timer and kill flair overlap in HUD. [*] Fixed bug where player name was set to Default Player when reseting client preferences. [*] Fixed bug where daily tasks were visible in co-op mode, causing overlapping text. [*] Fixed bug where it showed your flight time wrongly if you have flown an insane amount of hours. :) [*] Fixed edge case bug where the boxes to change HUD color could become unresponsive. [*] Added Patreon landmark names in races. [*] Added Patreon custom tailart. [*] In coop-mode, the grounded AI aircraft types will now reflect the types present in the mission rather that always being F-16s and MiG-29s. [/list]