Update 1.5.0 HUD Redesign

Sky Knights

Prove your skills as a pilot in this action-packed multiplayer dogfighting game. Take part in 4 vs 4 battles and outmaneuver opponents, master a variety of jets and weapons, support allied ground troops, and land on the runway. Only a well-orchestrated team of pilots can bring down the enemy bases.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/29661056/07ea4bfcee07637ff0638203dd830f41307f043f.png[/img] [h1]New HUD[/h1] This is something I've wanted to take care of for a long time. The original HUD was inspired by a fighter aircraft hud, with bars along the edges, indicating speed and such things. While this certainly made sense, given the theme of the game, it was quite problematic that important elements (such as the health bar and the ammo counters) were located very far from each other. This required the eye to constantly look in different places. The new HUD is more inspired by a classic RTS/MOBA HUD grouping all the important elements in one place. Hopefully this will be much more efficient. Since this is a rather drastic change, and it might take a while before things are perfected, I have provided an option to use the classic HUD until we feel completely confident that the new HUD works as well as we intend! [h1]New F-5E Model[/h1] The old F-5E model and texture didn't really live up to the quality of the other aircraft models, so I've replaced them with new ones. Hope you like this classic USAF style! [h1]Optimized tree rendering![/h1] This might be less important for people running the game on gaming rigs, but for our laptop gamers every little bit of performance improvement is important. What I've done is that I've batched all the trees in the levels into groups bases on their locations. What this means is that instead of rendering 100 tree models, we're now rendering 1 model with 100 trees, which is much more efficient. Furthermore, I've added LODs (levels of detail) to these tree batches, meaning that when the trees are seen from very far away, a simpler model with fewer polygons is used, improving performance. Some results (tested on a three year old laptop with a GT940 GPU) [list] [*] Average FPS improvement: ~12.7% [*] Worst case (takeoff with PiP camera) FPS improvement: ~18% [/list] I'm always interested in your feedback, so please leave a comment here and join us on [url=discord.gg/skyknights]Discord[/url]! Best regards //Bankler [h1]Patch notes [/h1] [b]1.5.0[/b] [*] New aircraft HUD where important numbers are grouped together in one single panel instead of being separated in different corners. [*] Optimized tree rendering with better static batching and LOD techniques. [*] Fixed scrolling in the scrapyard, so that it works even if you have lots of modifications. [*] New F-5E Tiger II model and texture. [*] Added option to use classic HUD instead of new HUD. [*] Fixed some smaller issues related to Twitch integration. [*] Pressing TAB in the post-match screen now toggles between stats screen and scoreboard. [*] Fixed some collision issues in the race level where you could run through the mountains at a few places.