[h1]Paid DLC: Lintukoto Reserve[/h1]
[*] Added: Alternative Mikael’s outfit
[*] Added: Companion - A new skin for the off-road vehicle
[*] Added: Wispy's shotgun (Reward for a story mission)
[*] Added: Remington Model 700 CDL rifle (.30-06 Springfield)
[h1]Free additions, tweaks and fixes[/h1]
[*] Added: Ammo change feature
[*] Tweaked: Internal ballistics of slugs to better represent real-life performance
[*] Tweaked: (Xbox Series S) Visual issues with foliage in Performance mode
[*] Fixed: Character’s seating position in Kawasaki Mule
[*] Fixed: “Between the Hooves“ task in Nez Perce Valley being finishable with Steyr Mannlicher CL II
[*] Fixed: Warpaint vehicle model being slightly slower than other Off-roads
[*] Fixed: A rare instance of blocked progress during the mission “Bee Gone Bandito” in Matariki Park
[*] Fixed: (MP) Players' exploration markers being displayed in incorrect locations
[*] Fixed: Map filter label toggles being only available in Nez Perce Valley and Transylvania
[*] Fixed: A rare occurence of young Alaska moose spawning with one antler
[*] Fixed: Rivers appearing in the sky after changing the video mode on consoles
[*] Fixed: Incorrect cartridge description for the Steyr Scout in the Encyclopedia
[*] Fixed: Break action shotguns not being able to fire with 1 shell after fast travel
[h1]Known issues[/h1]
[*] Groups of waterfowl gathering at the same location (Lintukoto Reserve)
[*] Visual issues with whiskers, ears, and chin on the Northern lynx (Lintukoto Reserve)