Update 1.26.2 (Build: 130533) Patch Notes

[h1][url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1288320/eventcomments/4845399560305143435/]Paid DLC: Bear Archery pack[/url][/h1] [list] [*] Added: Bear Constrictor Pro (crossbow) [*] Added: Bear X Speed (crossbow sight) [*] Added: Bear Alaskan XT RTH (compound bow) [*] Added: Bear Fred Bear Take Down (recurve bow) [*] Added: Trophy Ridge Attack Pro (bow sight) [/list] [h1]Free additions, tweaks and fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Added: Melanistic Gray wolf (Nez Perce Valley, Transylvania, Aurora Shores, Lintukoto Reserve) [*] Tweaked: Increased effective hit energy for .308 Win, .338 Lapua, .30-06, .270 Win, 6.5 Creedmoor [*] Tweaked: Slugs now have visible bullet trails [*] Tweaked: Increased grass render distance in Lintukoto Reserve [*] Tweaked: (PC) Default maximum framerate was changed from Unlimited to 120 [*] Fixed: Player being trapped among benches when fast traveling to camps Lintukoto Reserve [*] Fixed: Need zones placed outside of map boundary in Lintukoto Reserve [*] Fixed: Encyclopedia displaying left to right in Arabic [/list] If you run into any issues, the single best place to report it is the [url=https://bugreporting.thqnordic.com/#/login]THQ Nordic Redmine[/url]. Thank you, and happy hunting!