Introducing Ammo change

Greetings, hunters! With a new update on the horizon, we thought now would be a good time to take a look at a much-anticipated feature that will be coming to Way of the Hunter very soon - Ammo change. As a part of Ammo change, we are adding a new option to the Storage that will allow you to add up to 3 different types of ammo in your inventory for each of your currently equipped firearms. [url=][img][/img][/url] Almost every rifle, shotgun, bow, and crossbow has up to three ammo types to choose from - the default one available for free in an unlimited amount, and two alternatives that you can purchase at the Shop with in-game money. And in case alternative ammo types don't excite you and you wish to continue playing the way you are used to, all you have to do is nothing! All firearms will come pre-equipped with their default (current) ammo. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ammo types available range from polymer-tipped through soft point, hollow point, pellets, slugs, buckshots, and arrows with fixed blade or mechanical broadheads, and miracle points. We used the muzzle energy, muzzle velocity, and weight (plus cutting diameter for arrows) of every available ammo type to tune their ballistic models to best represent their real-life performance. We used real ammo from our partners at Federal and Remington as references wherever possible and you will soon be able to try their wide range for yourself in Way of the Hunter. [url=][img][/img][/url] You can check out the full list of ammo that will be available to you once the update becomes available [url=]on our website[/url]. While switching from pellets to slugs or buckshot opens up our shotguns to entirely new hunting possibilities, being able to switch to hollow points and soft tips in the field will give your favorite rifles more versatility as they remove or add a bit of oomph to your shots. Take for example the recently added Remington 700 SPS with .375 H&H Magnum. At the range of 150m, it currently hits at a little over 4500J when using polymer-tipped hollow point rounds, making it suitable for even some of the biggest Tier 6 animals, like the fearsome Cape buffalo. But switching to soft point rounds, such as High Performance Rifle ammo by Remington, will take things down a notch to a little over 3300J at the same range of 150m. That will make it a great choice for many Tier 5 animals that would get needlessly devastated by hits in mid to high-3000s, resulting in bigger meat loss, lower payout, and a worse hunt score. Equip a bigger scope, create some more distance, and even Springbok or Roe deer will become prime targets! [url=][img][/img][/url] Whether you are looking to hyper-optimize your hit energy and meat loss, enjoy your favorite real-life ammo on a virtual hunt, or if you can't wait to fire up those Excel sheets and do a bit of shooting science with newly added ballistic data (we know you're out there!), Ammo change will be waiting for you as a part of a free update that will come to Way of the Hunter alongside the [url=]Lintukoto Reserve DLC[/url] on August 2nd, 2024. See you then, hunters!