Explore the Majestic Lintukoto Reserve in Way of the Hunter's New DLC!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42290615/929a8b5e13b038858f3db189b6f3e75b9fc404fe.jpg[/img] Bratislava, Slovakia / Vienna, Austria - July 18, 2024: Today, Nine Rocks Games and THQ Nordic announced the upcoming DLC for Way of the Hunter: Lintukoto Reserve. Discover the challenges of hunting in the chilly swamps, icy lakes, and wintry forests of Scandinavia. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3091570/Way_of_the_Hunter__Lintukoto_Reserve/ [h3]Watch the trailer here: [/h3] [previewyoutube=PYtEIUsj3lw;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Discover the Lintukoto Reserve[/h2] The Lintukoto Reserve is a natural paradise that showcases the rich biodiversity and stunning beauty of Scandinavian habitats. Amid chilly swamps and icy lakes, you will find Lintukoto Reserve, a chilly yet welcoming hunting resort. The harsh weather and lack of resources require animals to adapt and compete fiercely. This is why the hunting here is so difficult yet so rewarding. Lintukoto Reserve showcases the rich biodiversity and stunning beauty of Scandinavian habitats. Encounter wildlife such as the stealthy Northern Lynx, majestic Mountain Reindeer, or rare Arctic Fox. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42290615/a495545e702d3962c53e5438db8dfcc6875de6a2.jpg[/img] The Lintukoto Reserve DLC for Way of the Hunter is coming on August 2, 2024, and will be available at an SRP of € 9.99 / $ 9.99. The base game Way of the Hunter is required to play, and it's available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S at an SRP of $ 39.99 / € 39.99 / £ 34.99. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1288320/Way_of_the_Hunter/ For more info: Website: http://wayofthehunter.com Discord: https://discord.gg/wayofthehunter