Update 1.26.4 is live on all platforms

Update 1.26.4 is now live! This update brings a new rare-fur animal, unique task for each map, adjustments to firearm energy balance for an improved hunting experience, and additional fixes for Way of the Hunter. [h2]Version 1.26.4 (Build: 138707) patch notes:[/h2] Added:[list] [*]Melanistic Mountain goat (Nez Perce Valley, Aurora Shores) [*]A new task in a camp in every map (6 new tasks total)[/list] Tweaked:[list] [*]Firearms energy rebalance: [list] [*]Hit energy of every firearm has been increased [*]Rate of energy loss decreases with increasing shot distance (firearms will be noticeably more powerful on long-distance shots)[/list][/list] Fixed:[list] [*]Misaligned zeroing on the ZOOMXD Triumph bow sight [*]Misplaced and/or disconnected tree branches [*]Incorrect maximum amount of Nosler Partition 30-30 Win ammo in the inventory [*]Inconsistent HUD shortcut helpers for crossbows and bows when aiming down sights [*]Kawasaki Teryx - visual issues on stickers [*]Visual issues with rivers in Matariki Park and Lintukoto Reserve [*]Various minor environmental issues [*]A handful of rare crashes [/list] [h2]Firearms energy rebalence[/h2] Since this was a highly requested change and it affects every firearm in the game, we would like to give you a bit more detail on what the goal of this rebalance is. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42290615/e678167bfcdb5fa264ba212617c53fc60d52507f.jpg[/img] Though you can view it as an across-the-board buff, the energy increase varies for each firearm, and it is especially pronounced with long-range shots. Real-life bullets do not lose less energy the longer they travel, but we believe this to be the best solution for the widest variety of in-game hunts. Overall, the firearms should now feel more authentic to their real-life counterparts and they should prove to be more lethal, although you will still need place your shots carefully. To illustrate, we have prepared a performance comparison of a handful of the most popular rifles. Below, you can check out the hit energy of these rifles at 200/500/800m: 1. before the introduction of ammo change, 2. in the last previous version of the game, and 3. now. Let us know what you think! [table] [h3]1. Before introducing Ammo change:[/h3] [tr] [th]Firearm[/th] [th]200m[/th] [th]500m[/th] [th]800m[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Grandpa's Old Rifle[/td] [td]1294J[/td] [td]773J[/td] [td]512J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Remington 783[/td] [td]2504J[/td] [td]1792J[/td] [td]1309J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steyr Monobloc[/td] [td]3153J[/td] [td]2604J[/td] [td]2195J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steyr Carbon CL II[/td] [td]5567J[/td] [td]4807J[/td] [td]4225J[/td] [/tr] [/table] [table] [h3]2. Previous Update (Version 1.26.3):[/h3] [tr] [th]Firearm[/th] [th]200m[/th] [th]500m[/th] [th]800m[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Grandpa's Old Rifle[/td] [td]809J[/td] [td]339J[/td] [td]215J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Remington 783[/td] [td]1855J[/td] [td]751J[/td] [td]333J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steyr Monobloc[/td] [td]2820J[/td] [td]1741J[/td] [td]1001J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steyr Carbon CL II[/td] [td]4887J[/td] [td]3382J[/td] [td]2274J[/td] [/tr] [/table] [table] [h3]3. Now (Version 1.26.4):[/h3] [tr] [th]Firearm[/th] [th]200m[/th] [th]500m[/th] [th]800m[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Grandpa's Old Rifle[/td] [td]1156J[/td] [td]591J[/td] [td]375J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Remington 783[/td] [td]2346J[/td] [td]1478J[/td] [td]896J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steyr Monobloc[/td] [td]3219J[/td] [td]2487J[/td] [td]1903J[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Steyr Carbon CL II[/td] [td]5400J[/td] [td]4439J[/td] [td]3625J[/td] [/tr] [/table] If you encounter any issues, the single best place to let us know is the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1288320/discussions/0/3819656548999739931/]THQ Nordic Redmine[/url]. Thank you, and good hunting! :WOTH: