Welcome to The Fabled Woods, a dark and mysterious narrative short story. Despite the picturesque beauty, ugly and terrible secrets lurk among the shifting boughs, darkness that no amount of dappled sunlight can erase. Take the first step, and experience an unforgettable journey.
Greetings, explorer!
I hope this post finds you well. The latest update, patch 1.0.5 is here! This is a small but important update to address the fatal crash error people were receiving upon launching the game.
[b]Bug Fixes:[/b]
[list][*] Fatal Error crash on startup[/list]
Thank you everyone for the feedback and help figuring this one out! ❤️ If you have any more feedback or questions, please join me on [url=https://discord.com/invite/55W9JEd][b]The Fabled Woods Discord[/b][/url] or in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1299480][b]Steam Community[/b][/url].
Stay safe!