Welcome to The Fabled Woods, a dark and mysterious narrative short story. Despite the picturesque beauty, ugly and terrible secrets lurk among the shifting boughs, darkness that no amount of dappled sunlight can erase. Take the first step, and experience an unforgettable journey.
Greetings, explorer!
I am super excited to tell you that [b]The Fabled Woods[/b] is part of the [b]BIG Adventure Event[/b] happening next week! From [b]January 20th till January 24th[/b] you have the opportunity to try the demo and experience the first steps into the fabled woods yourself.
There will also be a stream where I will join Julian and Tim from Headup playing [b]The Fabled Woods[/b] and we will talk about the development of the game, the idea behind [b]The Fabled Woods[/b], the mechanics and the ray tracing implementation.
[u][b]Save the date:[/b][/u] January 24th 11am CET / 2am PDT / 4am CDT
Oh, and don't forget to check out all the other great games that are part of [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/TheBigAdventureEvent][b]The BIG Adventure Event Steam Feature[/b][/url]!
All the best and stay healthy!
Joe - CyberPunch Studios