Welcome to The Fabled Woods, a dark and mysterious narrative short story. Despite the picturesque beauty, ugly and terrible secrets lurk among the shifting boughs, darkness that no amount of dappled sunlight can erase. Take the first step, and experience an unforgettable journey.
Greetings dear Explorers!
I know, I know ... It's been a while since my last update here on Steam. But I am back, and with nothing but good news! ːsteamhappyː I've tinkered for quite some time to update [b]The Fabled Woods [/b]from Unreal Engine 4 - with which it was released with initially - to the current version of [b]Unreal Engine 5[/b]!
And this brings a bunch of technical optimizations with it - DLSS3 for example, as well as a better ray tracing performance, new lighting, overall performance optimizations, etc.
[b]Here is the complete list of additons, fixes, improvements, etc. version 1.1 adds to The Fabled Woods:[/b]
[list][*] Update to Unreal Engine 5
[*] New lighting
[*] Performance optimization
[*] Fixed several minor bugs
[*] Forest refinements added
[*] Wildlife added
[*] DLSS3/NIS added
[*] New Audio mixing added
[*] Loads of menu fixes
[*] No woods night time water fixed
[*] Weird reflections in water under bridges fixed
[*] Picture next to chemicals hard to pick up fixed
[*] Credits not playing fixed
[*] Spare room key hard to see fixed
[*] Support for ultrawide added
[*] DirectX 12 Crashing bugs fixed
[*] FOV slider added[/list]
[b]These are 4 new shots out of the Fabled Woods in all its ray traced beatuy:[/b]
All the best and stay healthy!
Joe - CyberPunch Studios