Welcome to The Fabled Woods, a dark and mysterious narrative short story. Despite the picturesque beauty, ugly and terrible secrets lurk among the shifting boughs, darkness that no amount of dappled sunlight can erase. Take the first step, and experience an unforgettable journey.
Hello! I'm Joe, the creator of [b]The Fabled Woods[/b]. I am a solo developer, I have been working on this game since January of 2019. I've been developing games for about 10 years now as a hobby and been playing them even longer. For quite some time I had the idea for a dark and mysterious narrative short story in my mind - and the result is what you see here on the Steam page.
The demo you can play this week shows off the 1st storyline you'll play through. I'm very happy to introduce you to this world and Larry. You'll learn that there seems to be more happening in the woods than what it seems at first. I hope you enjoy the demo! Please share your feedback on [b][url=https://discord.com/invite/55W9JEd]The Fabled Woods Discord channel[/url][/b].
I am currently finalising the game, followed by the polishing process to deliver you the best and most intense experience in The Fabled Woods possible. And I am really looking forward to see you all out there playing my game - I can't wait for the moment to push the "publish" button. Although, when I think about it, I get nervous already... 😅
See you all in the live stream tomorrow! Till then and take care everyone!
Joe from CyberPunch Studios