Welcome to The Fabled Woods, a dark and mysterious narrative short story. Despite the picturesque beauty, ugly and terrible secrets lurk among the shifting boughs, darkness that no amount of dappled sunlight can erase. Take the first step, and experience an unforgettable journey.
Hey there detectives and investigators,
You love solving mysteries - both big and small - as well as investigation and detective games of all kinds? Well, then the trail has led you to the right spot: Because as of now, the first official "[b]Steam Mystery Fest[/b]" is taking place here on ... umm ... on Steam. My, what a razor-sharp combination that is!
And [b]The Fabled Woods[/b] is part of the "[b]Steam Mystery Fest[/b]" as well. If you are not familiar with this case file yet, you now have until February 27 to take on the case of [b]The Fabled Woods[/b] with [b]70% off[/b]. Can you solve the case, or will you cut your teeth on the mystery?
So, clean your magnifiers and make Sherlock and Dupin proud!
Riddling regards!
Joe - CyberPunch Studios