Update 0.20.0 - Campaign Ally Matches & Steam Workshop Improvements

The Conquest of Go

Learn and play Go, the classic board game that has been played for thousands of years, and compete in the race to conquer the most land in the in-game world, or compete online against opponents around the real world.

[h1]New Features[/h1] [list] [*]Campaign Ally Matches[list] [*]In exchange for resources, the player can have an AI teammate (KataGo) assist with a match, where the player and teammate will alternate turns. [*]The level of teammate can be chosen by the player, but the resource cost increases with each level. [*]If the undo ability is used, the player will place the next stone regardless if the undone move was placed by the player or the AI teammate. [*]Automated reviews for ally matches will only evaluate the player's moves and the AI teammates moves will be ignored. [*]Records within the Battle Summary on the Campaign Map will also show which records have an AI teammate. [*]The campaign tutorial has been updated to include information on ally matches. [/list] [*]Steam Workshop Improvements[list] [*]Progress on completing workshop items is now tracked for items of Puzzle, Match, and Tutorial types. [*]Progress on an item is considered complete when reaching the last move of the root path of a file, or if it is a puzzle item type and the file contains solution information, the item will be marked completed once the player has played the solution to the puzzle. [*]When viewing workshop items, a check mark will be displayed at the top of the grid item if the item was previously completed. [*]For workshop items that have progress that has been tracked, a "Reset Progress" button is available at the top of the grid of items to start progress from scratch once again. [*]Puzzles that do not contain solution information (SGF properties Good for Black (GB[]) or Good for White (GW[])) but contain only one path through the moves will now consider the path as the solution. This also enables the use of the "Show Correct Move" button while solving puzzles that fit this criteria. Puzzles with no way to determine solution information will be marked completed when reaching any ending move. [*]There is a new setting found within General Settings to select whether puzzle preview images within Steam Workshop Items will be loaded or not. Turning off puzzle previews can improve performance while loading lists of puzzles on lower-end PCs. [*]Please note that as content creators make changes to their workshop content which are pushed out to subscribers, such as renaming files, folders, or changing file locations, this will reset the tracking information for those particular files. [/list] [*]Move Testing Improvements[list] [*]For game modes which restrict the player to certain moves, there is a new toggle called "Allow All Moves" which will allow players to play any move and test out their own move sequences. [*]This is available while solving puzzles (campaign fortification puzzles and Steam workshop puzzles) as well as the Opening Explorer and joseki type content within the Steam workshop. [/list] [*]Grid List Improvements[list] [*]Lists of grid items such as the Saved Matches grid or Steam workshop files will now have paging, where a maximum of 50 grid items will be displayed, and other items can be accessed by using the page controls to load the next or previous 50 items. [*]Grids will now list sub-directories first, before listing files contained within the specific folder, making them easier to access on the first page. [/list] [*]The Online Menu can now be accessed directly from the Go board screen's pause menu while viewing an online match, allowing quicker access to online information and loading of other matches or reviews. [*]Match records within the campaign's Battle History panel of the campaign mode now have an icon to display which matches have suggested moves for improvement. A light color icon means that the suggested moves have already been reviewed. A dark color icon means that the suggested moves have yet to be reviewed, allowing the player to earn additional resources and adjust the AI by level or handicap. [*]When hovering over regions on the campaign map which have completed battles, the flag icon and color of the winning nation will now be displayed. The format of the battle result has been slightly modified to make more sense with the new nation flag icons. [*]Keyboard shortcuts have been added to load the previous and next files, which can be used to navigate between tutorials, saved matches, and workshop items. By default, left arrow will load the previous file, and right arrow will load the next file. [/list] [h1]Updates[/h1] [list] [*]For themes that have atari graphics, atari audio will no longer be played for the first move or board setup, such as loading a puzzle or tutorial. [*]The "Disable Analysis" option when creating an online challenge will now be checked by default when players create their first online challenge. [*]The "Level" label within match result experience information displayed after a campaign match has been changed to "Player Level" to be more clear. [*]The Find Variations ability description has been updated to include a note that the Find Moves ability must first be activated in order to be used. [*]The campaign tutorial now has an additional step explaining nation colors, conquer totals, and how to change nation colors. [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed an issue which was not allowing passing moves to be displayed properly as move recommendations within automated reviews. [*]Fixed an issue which was keeping the weak fortification outline visible on a region which was later set to max fortification by being completely surrounded by regions conquered by the same nation. [*]Fixed an issue which made it possible to lose a region when fortification decrease occurs, even if it was a region that was set to max fortification by being completely surrounded by regions conquered by the same nation. [*]Fixed an issue during reviews where the player information panels had a taller than normal space for the pass button if the player was using the Confirmation setting for the Move Submit Mode within the Board Settings menu. [/list]