Update 0.27.0 - Online Mode Improvements

The Conquest of Go

Learn and play Go, the classic board game that has been played for thousands of years, and compete in the race to conquer the most land in the in-game world, or compete online against opponents around the real world.

[h1]New Features[/h1] [list] [*]An indicator and button has been added to the online mode which shows how many matches are currently waiting for your turn. Once clicked, it will load and cycle through the active games, allowing the player to make their move in each of them. This is especially useful for players with multiple ongoing correspondence games. Once all active turns have been played, the button will cycle through the other games the player is in which are waiting for the opponent's move. This button and indicator can be found within the top right of the online menu as well as the top right of the Go board screen while playing an online match. The indicator will be displayed on the online menu of the main menu if there is at least one active game. The indicator will be displayed within the Go board screen if there is at least one active game other than the one that is currently being played. [*]Players can now choose to hide online ranking information, allowing them to focus more on playing Go and less about the rank of their opponents or rank changes from matches. This will hide ranks while in the online menu, such as match history, as well as hide ranks while playing matches. The setting can be found under Settings > Board Settings > Hide Online Ranks. [/list] [h1]Updates[/h1] [list] [*]When using the Find Match/Automatch functionality of the online mode, players can now continue to browse the open challenges while their live or blitz automatch request is currently active, instead of staying on a waiting screen like before. The automatch request will be automatically cancelled for live or blitz if the player finds a match through other means or browses away from the Play tab. [*]The way that The Conquest of Go connects and communicates with the Online Go Server has been reworked. This update is mostly behind the scenes and should primarily go unnoticed, but if there are issues occurring during online play after this update, please file a bug report [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1264970/discussions/1/]here[/url]. [*]The logout button for the online menu has been removed when accessing the online menu through the Go board screen. Logging out of the online menu will now only be handled in the main menu. [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed an issue with loading the online mode having the possibility of causing a rare crash if taken too long. [*]Fixed an issue with creating an online challenge or find match request not properly setting the rules when using New Zealand or Ing SST rules. [*]Fixed an issue which was causing the online mode play tab buttons to become unresponsive when using the challenge button and loading the waiting for challenge screen. [*]Fixed an issue where match preferences were not being saved properly to be reused later when using the online mode Find Match functionality. [*]Fixed an issue where old historical online matches that don't have a name were unable to be clicked. [*]Fixed an issue with the online game chat user list which was being populated with group chat users if the player accessed the online menu, loaded a group, clicked the chat tab and then closed the online menu to continue playing the online match. [*]Fixed an issue with the online profile tab where if the profile was loaded by accessing a private message and the player navigated away from the profile tab and came back to profile tab once again to access their profile, it wasn't loading the player's profile correctly. [/list]