Update 0.24.0 - New Casual AI & Small Screen Improvements

The Conquest of Go

Learn and play Go, the classic board game that has been played for thousands of years, and compete in the race to conquer the most land in the in-game world, or compete online against opponents around the real world.

[h1]New Features[/h1] [list] [*]New Casual AI [list] [*]A new AI opponent has been added which is aimed at beginner and novice players and has a strength level which is weaker than GNU Go. [*]Like the other AIs, it has options for level 1 through 10. [*]A new difficulty level called "Casual" has been added to both the campaign and quick play menus, which features the Casual AI as the opponent and is placed below the existing "Beginner" difficulty. [*]Players primarily focused on training may still find benefit in learning from GNU Go's more competent moves during handicap matches, but the Casual AI may provide a more fun experience with less reliance on handicap stones to even the skill gap. [/list][/list] [h1]Updates[/h1] [list] [*]Improved text legibility of commonly used areas and functionality which was previously difficult to read on smaller screen sizes, such as the Steam Deck. [/list] [h1]Fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a bug which was causing the Hybrid AI to not be able to play against itself in quick play, when both the black and white players were set to Hybrid AI. [/list]