Update - 0.12.1


On the harmstead you sow crops by day, plough hordes of alien pests by night, and spelunk the “Very Dark” depths whenever you damn well please. This bloodthirsty alien planet doesn’t want you here, but you’re a robot in a tractormech so what do you care?

In addition to the below fixes, we have temporarily built debug tools into this release. We're trying to track down a rare crash that can occur after playing for a while, so if you experience this crash on this new build then please send us the crash dump on Discord! [h3]Minor Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed not being able to interact with building drafts such as the Genehouse [*] Fixed the Dynamite explosion sound not playing [*] Fixed crash when setting the master volume [*] Fixed Quartz in the Geode not shattering when the Dark Amber is destroyed [*] Fixed Quartz Shards sometimes leaving their particle effects behind when destroyed [*] Fixed the Genehouse Tracer scan job never completing [*] Fixed the Crafting "x5" button playing the sound effect up to 5 times [*] Give the player energy over time when near a destroyed Dark Amber [*] Polished the new Health bar popups [list] [*] Added pips that indicate maximum health [*] Made Health bars always visible over the terrain [*] Changed Quartz to use Health bars [/list] [/list]